Put Yourself in Their Shoes

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The sun was hiding from the grey clouds as I walked further to the construction site. 

"Take the woods there, faster!"

"Ne!" I told him.

Ouch! Why does my finger suddenly hurt?

It's okay, let's just keep going shall we?

"Ha-Eun, finish the wall in the second floor. Do it neatly, understand? Aigoo, I can't do this anymore."


My legs ran as fast as they could to the second floor and suddenly..


"Omo, are you okay sir? Oh no... your knee is bleeding! We need to clean that first, come with me.." The man had blood all over his knee and the expression on his face told me that he was hurting a lot.

"I'm okay.. but look at the mess I made.. Aishh what do I do? Boss will be so mad when he sees this!" His finger pointed at the pile of woods he dropped, they shattered on the ground and some were broken.

"What happened?" Everyone came over to see what's going on.

"Ya.. What happened to you? Shouldn't you get your wound cleaned first?" Another asked.

"Ne.. it's true.. I think you should get it cleaned first.." I tried to assure him but more people came and he refused even more.

"Forget it! What am I going to do now? My knee is not important right now, I just dropped the materials! Boss will be very mad!" He pouted and frowned, angry at himself for not being so careful enough.

Tap.. Tap.. Tap.. Suddenly the sound of a familiar footsteps came nearer and nearer..

"Ya! What's going on here?! Go back to work now!" 

Alarmed, everyone ran and got back to their work.

"What's wrong here?! Wait.. wait.. Why are those broken?! Who did this?!" His eyes pointed at the broken piles and.. he seemed unhappy about it..

"I'm sorry.. Sir...Please save me.." Said the man who dropped them.

Aigoo.. What do I do? I feel so bad for him.. His knee is bleeding really bad and he's probably very scared.. What do I do?

"So you did this?!"


"No! I did this! Sir, I am very sorry.. I wasn't careful enough and I dropped them on the ground! Please forgive me! This man didn't do anything wrong.." I winked my eye to him to let him know that I'm going to take the blame...

"W--What? So you did this? You little girl did this? Then, why is he bleeding? Explain to me now!"

"Ahh.. That.. I accidentally bumped into him and he fell..." 

"Geu-rae? Ok, fine. If you did this.. then you should know your consequences right? Aissshh! These are very expensive! You should be more careful next time! Why are you always causing trouble?!"

He was furious, just like how I expected.. but because I didn't do it, taking the blame for my friend isn't as scary as when he should take the blame, right? 

"You should pay for it in 1 week. Understand?!" 

"B-but... Boss.."

And he left just like that.

How am I going to earn that much money to buy more materials for the building? Ahh.. I must be a fool..



Who? Did someone call me?

"You dropped this." A tall and kind-hearted guy handed me my bus card.

"Ahh.. Goemabseubnida.." 

"No problem, be careful next time." 

"Ahh.. You want a cup of coffee?" He was holding two cups of coffee and kindly offered me a cup.

"No, I'm okay.. Thanks for the offer."

"It's alright, you can take it."

Should I take a cup of coffee offered by a stranger? Is this okay?

"Ne.. Goemabseubnida.." I took it but didn't plan on drinking it.

I walked and walked to my neighborhood, realizing that he had followed me..

I looked back..

He was there.

Looked back again..

He was still there.

Until I passed by halmoni's house.. he eventually stopped following me and knocked on halmoni's door.

The guy smiled and was welcomed by halmoni.

I smiled back and continued walking to my house.

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