Chapter 4: Raven Nightwalker

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I woke up and looked at my clock, 8:10 am. I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor, I stood up then got dress. I went down stairs, got something to eat then made my lunch and went out the door. On my way to school I fell ten times, by the time I got there I had cuts on my legs and two on my left arm. I got to class and took out my note book to start my work. Finally it was lunch time and like always I sat on the grass over to the side of the field by myself because Kayla is not here today again. I looked around to see a group of guys beating up a boy, the boy was wearing a red dress shirt and black jeans. I hate seeing others get hurt, so I got up and walked over to them and said "leave him alone" the guys stopped and looked at me "what are you going to do about it?" one of them said, "well I'm sure the principal would love to hear about this" the guys growled at me then left. I went up to the boy and said "are you ok?" he nodded. I put my hand out to him and he took it then I helped him up. Now that I get a good look at him, I see that he has black hair, pale skin and red eyes. I looked at him then spoke " I'm Lily, what's your name?" "Raven Nightwalker" "nice to meet you Raven" he just nodded. I don't think he talks that much and something seems off, but I pushed the feeling aside and said "do you need to go to the office? I could take you there" he shook his head then walked away. I stood there for a minute then walked back to where I was sitting at and sat down "man, that guy was strange and what's with those eyes?" I whispered to myself. Just then the bell rang and I went to my next class. After school I was on my way home when the group of guys from school stopped me, one said "your going to pay for getting in our way" I got scared and went to run but one of the guys grabbed my arm "let me go!" I yelled trying to escape, but he was to strong, "now we're going to show you what happens to people who cross us" he pulled back his arm and I closed my eyes, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see Raven standing in front of me holding the other guys fist "leave her alone" he said with anger in his voice then he kneed the other guy in the gut and he fell to the ground in pain. The rest of the guys ran away. I looked at Raven "thank you for saving me" I said as I gave him a small bow "no problem, after all you did save me today, so I guess we're even" I smiled then he spoke "do you want me to walk you home?" I thought for a minute then said "alright" and we started to walk to my house. On the way he said "sorry for just walking away, I'm not the good at taking to hu... I mean others" I looked at him, what was he about to say? oh well, I pushed it aside and we continued on our way. Once he got to my house I unlocked the door and turned to Raven who was about to leave when I said "um... do you want to come in?" he turned to look at me then smiled "sure" I let him in and he sat on the couch "do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked, he shook his head and I sat down. We sat there for a bit just talking when he looked at his watch and said "it's getting late, I should get going. I'll see you tomorrow?" I nodded then walked him to the door. Once he left I locked the door then went to the kitchen to get a snack. After my snack I went up stairs to take a shower. Once I got out of the shower I put on my cat pajamas, sat on my bed and took out my journal to write.
Dear Mom and Dad
        Well, we got another new student today, his name is Raven, he's quite and nice but just like the others he seems off and it really doesn't help that his eyes are red. He don't seem to be human either, his skin is so pale it looks like he's not even alive, but he is nice. I saved him from bullies at lunch then he saved me from them after school. he walked me home and we talked for a bit, so he's not all that bad, but why do I have this feeling when he's around? and the others are nice too so why do I get a weird feeling around them?. Oh well, I got to go, til next time
                                          Love your
                                             Daughter Lily
I closed my journal then put it back in my bag. I turned out the lights, covered up and went to sleep thinking about all four boys, Derek, Archer, Grayson and Raven.

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