Chapter 9

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Percy POV

Standing in front of him stood 20 hell hounds, 40 cyclops, 1 hydra , 3 empousai including one that shot Artemis, 26dracaena , and last but not least 35 evil harpies. 125 monsters total. A pack.

Luckily the hunters were quick to get to the battle zone.

"Alright, someone get Artemis out of here! I need 15 hunters to follow me, 5 hunters try to Take out the empousai from a far. The rest of you shoot them dead."

"Why should we listen to you boy?!" Phoebe sneered. "This is no time to question. Get in your group and go! Why is Artemis still here?" I felt like I was in the wars all over again. I was the general

3rd person POV

The hunters were all reluctant to accept the males plan. All 83 hated him. But they had to admit it was a good plan.

They all rushed to there positions while 2 of the younger hunters carried Artemis to the camp where they would stand guard. The battle was immediately off to a bad start, when one of the younger hunters named keke, got almost killed by being thrown into a tree by the lead cyclops club.

Percy faced the hydra. He had the ability to make fire out of thin air. He cut off the one the heads while just narrowly avoiding the acid it spit out at him. He then sealed the neck by fire. He did that over and over, until it finally exploded in to gold dust.

Percy looked over the battlefield. We were winning... divisively. But then a scream engulfed the battlefield. He looked over to where it came from. Thalia stood... with a spear in her stomach. At that moment the entire world was silent. Percy thought of nothing else but Thalia. "THALIA!"


One spear to the stomach, my stomach. The clouds cleared and I knew the truth. That I had thought that a guy whose fatal flaw was PERSONAL LOYALTY had cheated on my frie— her, was stupid. We all did! The fact that I agreed to kill Tyson... what have I done... Me, Thalia grace had killed Tyson. It wasn't my fault. They had asked me to.

Whatever I've been dead now. I don't know what is going to happen. I'm assuming the worst...

After all of what I done, Percy stilled cared, like the blind, loyal, and foolish puppy he is. If I were him I would have hated myself oh well.

Percy POV

"Pinecone face!" I yelled as I ran to Thalia's dying body. "NO NO! I can't lose you too..." she looked at me. Electric blue eyes now drained. "Percy... I..." she blinked one more time and then I died in my arms. By this time the hunters had dispatched the monsters. The look on their faces... Anger, sadness, disbelief, fear, disgust, and realization.

"I'm sorry" I said. Then I world went dark

Thalia aka ? POV

Hey, our poison arrows work you know. Just saying

(A/N: sorry if the battle scene was weird. It's my first time)$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Hey what's up guys scarce here


You guys are loyal, here's a present.

Thalia has been the " ? POV " along, and it's been sorta a flashback for her, but now it's real-time. So yea... lack lustre I know....



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