Chapter 13

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Fuck the hunters
Fuck the gods
Fuck the free world
Fuck me
Fuck the freeworld

I can't stand it anymore. I'm just some matter going where ever the universe goes. I don't want to do everything. Whenever I do people die and betray me. No one understands that I have a mind and that one mind can only take so much. My soul has been corrupted by the very... I have an idea 💡.

I left the hunters for ever (this might be the end of pertemis, I don't know for sure yet.) I planned to start a team. A technologically advanced superior in tactics and combat. I am no longer omega

"We are PZSBLL

(A:N - I'm back and I'm sorry for this being short I just got back into writing so I kinda just wanted to make a short trailer like chapter to set the mood for what's to come)

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