Ch. 6: Uninvited Guest is Me?!

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Kira's P.O.V


Don't be confused who is "Kay"! Kay is Kira's cover name! So don't get confused!

A lot of people were amazed by the Heroes because of their stunning appearance. All eyes where on the heroes when suddenly they hear a large yawn at the back of the heroes.

I yawned loudly like what I used to wake up in the mornings. It's kind of a habit. All eyes where turning to me. They were suprised of my presence.

"What? I thought there were five!" One whispered.

I hear people making a huge commotion about something. I opened my eyes and saw an unfamiliar face. Maybe I must be dreaming!

" Oh! This must be a dream!" I laughed. " Why you all wearing white? Is this a Cult or something? This dream kinda weirds me out!"

I looked all of my surroundings and what caught my eye the most is this five people. They seem to glow more than the other people. Like they are some gods. I look at them closely and realized that they seem familiar. Like the Popular Gang?!

"Waiiiitttt!!!" I pointed my finger to the popular gang.

The five familiar faces were looking at me strangely. They look like they were shooting a movie due to their fantasy outfits. But the one that I am scared to look at is Hiro! Why is he flaming Hot right now?! His all firey and hot at the same time! This is too much for me to handle! He looks at me like he was not expecting someone.


Oh! God Save me?! Tell me this is all just a dream!

" Who are you?!" I hear an old man's voice reffering to me.

" Um..." Should I answer him? " I am K-"

Suddenly my mouth was sealed. I tried to open my mouth but still it won't open. Then I heard a voice echoing in my ear saying.

" You must not let anyone know your true Identity especially your real gender. If you do... you will be killed and you will never get back home! - Voice meassage by the powerful God Adonis! " I forgot that I made a deal with a god?!

If I am not suppose to tell my real name to anyone I should create a fake one.

"Kay! My name is Kay!" I hold my breath.

" Well, Kay why are you here?" The old dude with fancy clothes asked me.

" I can't answer that because before I am came here I was just eating my lunch below the tree then a glowing circle appeared and created an earthquake and after that I fell asleep for some reason." I just gave them a simple answer. I just skipped 'the deal with Adonis' part because I think its to dangerous to mention a god's name. Like anyone would believe me?!

"Wait! I remember we were all eating together below the oldest tree in our school?!" Shane exclaimed.

The popular gang seem to agree.

" There are only five heroes and their transformation is the proof! Why could their be an extra?!" The old man with fancy clothing said it with disbelief.

" Well, sorry grandpa I didn't know I was invited in this party?!" I yelled.

The whole crowd was shocked. They seem pretty scared when I said that.

" Watch your mouth because you don't know who your talking to?!" He exclaimed. " I am the king of the Human Realm! You better respect me or I will cut of your head! Guards arrest him!"


" Wait... Maybe he will be useful for us." Hiro interupted.

HE... Dammit Hiro why? You really see me as a guy?!

" Yeah! We can't bear you killing someone from our world." Shane protested.

" Besides at least you have five heroes... Having an extra is like having a back up. You know Emergencies." Hiro explained.

Thats why I fell for you Hiro!!!


The king restrained his guards and gave me ridiculed look.

" Okay, she can be an extra for the Infinity Heroes." He smirked. " But Extras plays nothing because the heroes doesn't need your help... I can't sense any power in him his totally powerless."

Is he mocking me of what I am Capable off? I am more than what you know mister!

The Popular gang transformed back to their original forms, their transformation will only last when they don't use it. The king looked at them again and he forgot I even exist!

" Let me take you to your rooms, My Heroes!" The king guided them and he really didn't care I exist!

The popular gang were assigned in rooms. Hiro, Jay, and James have seperate rooms that are very luxurious and elegant, and Shane & Pia have big princess style bedrooms. While I... Was forgotten.

" Where do I stay?" I asked the king.

" There is no more room for you in here!" The king exclaimed.


" Um... Is there a problem?" Hiro suddenly appeared. " Hi! Kay why don't you stay with us. I'm not sure if their is still an extra room but you could always jam here."

Did he just ask me out to his room?! I'm going to have a nosebleed! :D

" No, I have a special room for him!" The king immediately interupted.

" He has?" Hiro was suprised.

"Yes! I have to take her there because it is a very special room!" The king said it with disgust.

"Okay... I hope you get there Kay maybe we could hang out." Hiro said.

"Yeah! Sure!" I agreed and sighed like lovey-dovey.

Hiro was out of our sight then the king hurriedly walked and I just followed him.

"Um... Sir where are we going?" I asked.

" To the place where you belong!" The king exclaimed.

We spent walking for minutes and we arrived at a tower where it is the highest part of the castle. The king approached a dusty door and tried opening it. It was dusty and it was occupied by old books, rusty armors and cob webs! This is like an old storage room!

" Here you will stay! No more questions! This Old dusty tower is yours to live! I must go now and entertain the Heroes. You better be responsible of your stuff because I won't take the blame." The king immediately leaves me in a dusty old tower.

Great! I just got my own crappy tower?! Just great! -_-


||Author's Note||

Don't forget to Vote my Story! Share it, Give some comments and add this into one of your reading list! Or would you rather add this to your Library I don't mind! As long as you stay tuned to my Work! Love yah💜 And don't forget to follow me @Jellysweettouch!!! 😉


Infinity Heroes: I'm Just An Extra?! || ORIGINAL STORY BY @Jellysweettouch ||Where stories live. Discover now