Chapter seven

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One hour quickly passed by and now i'm standing in front of the mirror with swollen eyes and black patches under my eyes,totally looking hideous,but i did'n put any make up cause i don't give a shit to others.Today i'm wearing  a black tank top with navy blue ripped jeans and joggers.Today i have left my hair open...

Soon  i arrive at school and i see samy also getting out of her car.

''Hey samy.''I say while walking towards her.

''Who are you?Do i know you?She asks me  with a weird look.

''It's me, Jenna.''

''I know that its you,its just that you look horrible..''She says  while giving me a disgusted look.

''Its all because of that jerk...I told you yesterday about the project,right?So, the thing i didn't tell you is that i am doing all the work of that project and you know my habit that i like my work to be submitted before anyone..''

''You didn't tell me that your partner is Grayson and also that i have told you many times to stay away from him but as usual you are too attracted towards him.''

''You are saying like its my choice to talk to that jerk..I hate him and you know that.''

''But i don't get why you hate him,like you should be scared of him like the whole college but NO you want to fight with him.''

''I once saw heard his father talking to Mrs.Tyson about giving his son full marks in the examinations, if not than,he'll sue her on the basis of false charges.''

''What?! Really?!"

"Yes ,and you know that i always worked so hard but he always came first.At that time i thought that i should put in more effort but,after hearing all that i started hating him...''

''But i don't think so,Jenna.You and i both know that Grayson himself is very smart.''She says.

"I think that bell is about to ring , so, why  don't we both go in our classes.''I say , practically wanting to change the subject.

''Ummmm i guess that you are right.''She says while pouting.

I than quickly hug her..

''Than lets see you in break,ok?''

''Yeah sure.''Samy says and turns around ,walking towards her class,i also do the same thing.

The first class that i have is Chemistry and Grayson will be there too....Ughhhh i hate my life.

The class went pretty boring today ,i tried not to sleep and i succeeded in that. Grayson as usual was busy in pissing me off,he was continuously throwing crumpled paper at me.I didn't ever cared to see what's written in that,cause i already know what shit he writes in it .Once i opened it and saw something very bad written on it. It said :



Its break time now, but i don't feel like having anything.I'll be giving a last few touch ups to my project before handing it to out biology's teacher.I see samy coming towards me , with a tray that is full of food..

''Hey there.''She says while pulling out a seat to sit down.

''Aren't you eating a lot these days?"I ask her and she starts to laugh.

''I am not like you, you know?''She says in a sarcastic way.

One thing about samy is that , no matter how much she eats ,her weight remains the same,I totally despise that.

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