Part 11

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With every passing day, my feelings grew for yoongi. With every hug, my heart races. Every time we make eye contact during class, I blush. I dont think I can hold these feelings in for long. That's when I enter the cafeteria and see yoongi and his guys sitting with some girls. One of them gets to close for comfort and yoongi is not pushing away. He stays and wraps his arm around her. My heart breaks into a million pieces. This is why I cant love people. I get heartbroken, every time.  I hear one of the boys call my name, I look at who called me. yoongi. I glared at him and left the cafeteria. by the time I got to the roof, I was crying. thank god I was wearing waterproof makeup. I heard some footsteps behind me. out of instinct, I pulled out a knife and about threw it at whoever it was. well looks like he came after me. " you're lucky you almost died" I turned back around and put the knife away. He grabs my shoulder and turns me around. "why did you run away?" I didn't meet his eyes. I kept my head down. "why do you care? you should get back to your girlfriend or new toy. D-dont worry about me." My voice cracked at the last part. He gently lifted my head up. that's when I covered my face. "dont look at me. I look horrible right now"  he laughed. I moved my fingers and caught a glimpse of his gummy smile. the same gummy smile that made my day when I was down, or stopped me from doing something bad. he calmed me down a lot. "you will always look beautiful to me" my eyes widened. Did I hear that right? "W-what?" he moved my hands away from my face and held them. my heart was racing. my palms were becoming sweaty. I hope he doesn't notice. He looked at me with sparkling eyes. I could get lost in his eyes so easily. I dont even have to try. I feel my face becoming hot the feeling tickling up my neck. "im not good with words but im sorry. she forced me to do those things. or else something would happen to you, and I didn't want you getting hurt because of me. Im sorry." I feel horrible that she made him do that. who would even be in the right mind to do that? I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket "hold on I need to check my phone" after he let me go, I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and almost threw it out of anger 

bitch of the school: I told you I would make him mine. now leave him alone or else I will tell the whole school who you really are.

you: why the fuck should I care. im with him right now and your not. if you want me to get away from him then your going to have to kill me first.

 yoongi looked at me concerned "who is it. and dont lie to me, please"I read the text over but left out my reply. and he just had to ask "what was your reply?" that sly bastard had a smirk on his face. so I played fire with fire "my reply was, 'go ahead you can have him I dont really care about him'" I smiled innocently and tried walking away,  but he grabbed my wrist before I could walk fully away. "is that really how you feel?" I turn around to see him turned around with his head down. I felt kinda bad so I gave it up. I didn't think he would take it seriously "no that's not how I really feel..." I walked to him and hugged him from behind. I dont know what happened to me at that moment but I guess my feelings got the best of me. he turned me around and held me. he leaned down into my ear and whispered "I knew it"I slapped him on the back "asshole I actually thought you were angry about it" he laughed so I pulled out my knife just to startle him "haha dont do that again or I will cut your dick off" he looked at me and said "yea but you got to see it first" I almost threw my knife before he said "W-Wait I was K-Kidding"I try holding in my laughter but fail "yo-you should see your face" I laugh even more just thinkign about it. "shut up." I stop laughing after a while and say "make me" "fine I will" he walks up to me and kisses me. im frozen for a moment, then start to kiss back. he pulls away slowly. I dont miss the deep red color on his cheeks "well I had something to say when I got up here. I like you"

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