chapter 1

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"Jungkook, I can't just quit! This is my dream job! You know that," I scold. I pick up my coat ready to head out the door but an arm forces me back in.

"You're never home! This job takes up all your fucking time and you expect me to be okay? We haven't gone out in so long!" he screams with his eyebrows furrowed. I hate when he's like this.

"Why can't you just support me, huh? I support you and your dancing?" Can't he just think of me for once.

"It's different; I spend about 3 to 4 hours working. You work 6 to 8 hours. What the hell do you even do?" I love my job. I've been working towards it my whole life. Many people didn't approve, though, like my father. My father has always been the type to just be interested in my grades. "You have to get an A in this, You have to do better, Why is your grade not going up." He tried forcing engineering onto me, but it never clicked with me. Matter of fact, I found it boring, and he hated that. He hated that I wasn't like him.

"I obviously fucking work, Jungkook. Now let me go, I'm going to be late," I check my watch. I always hate fighting with Jungkook. We don't do it often but when we do, it gets ugly. We've had this fight twice now. He doesn't understand! Modeling and acting to me is like dancing to him; addicting. It's exciting like a sport. My own sport. A sport I'm very good at.

"Of course. You always run away from our arguments like a child. Just leave then," he rolls his eyes before plodding himself on the couch and turning in the tv.

"We'll talk after I get off, okay," I sigh. Jungkook means everything to me. We've been through so much. Back to when we didn't even know we were gay. We went through our emo phase together, we came out together, we fought together, we did everything together back then. Everyone knew and supported us. Well, except my dad since he's very homophobic, but other than that, we were basically the power couple. When I needed him he was always there. He's my rock.

"Your job first, right?" Before I can respond, he gets up and walks away. I look down before muttering to myself.

"Love you." I shut the door behind me and head to my car. I just don't understand why he doesn't want me following my dreams. I don't even do inappropriate modeling. I usually model sweaters and shirts. Nothing that'll show my skin. I did it for him. Sure, it takes up a lot of time but I still make enough time for us. I go to most of his dance competitions and plan dates. It just hurts that he won't let me be happy.

He knows I've been dreaming about this my whole life. He even encouraged me to keep going when all I wanted to do was quit. But now he wants me to leave it behind, just like that? All that hard work.

Can't he fucking see that this job is taking over his life? Ruining our relationship? He's oblivious to it. We're slowly crumbling apart, yet he turns his head every time I try to talk to him. He won't even listen to me. I get so fucking angry, it's unbelievable.

But what can I do anymore? He doesn't listen, he doesn't understand, nothing! I don't give a flying shit anymore. He can go spend the night there for all I care. I'm done trying to show him what's happening. I need to release my anger.

I pick my car keys and dance bag and leave this annoying house behind. Taehyung won't even try to look at it from my point of view. Like, all this is useless information to him. It angers me even more because I fucking love him. He's my happiness, my world. The person I would talk to for anything. His boxy smile could light up the whole room. And he's mine. All mine. I couldn't be more thankful for such an amazing angel sent from above to come across me.

I get out of my car and walk inside my dance studio. I love this place almost as much as I love Taehyungie; almost. I come here when I need to lash out. Anger, sadness, happiness. And right now, I need to take my anger out. The atmosphere here is just right for me. I set my bag down in the corner and begin a song.

Fuck modeling taking up most of Taehyung's job.
Fuck Taehyung's boss for not giving him many vacation breaks.
Fuck the good-looking co-workers Taehyung has to work with every day.
Fuck Taehyung for not listen to me.
Fuck Taehyung, especially, for keeping me sexually fustrated.

You would think that after all these years of dating, we would be doing some Fifty Shades of Grey shit, right? Everywhere and at all times? No, it's nothing like that. Sure, we'll have some action here and there, but not even close enough to satisfy me. I love him, so of course I'm not going to pressure him into doing these things if he doesn't want to. I just have to deal with it on my own times.

The last time we had sex was before he got promoted in his stupid job. Which was three months ago. Three whole fucking months. A man like me can't even go a whole damn week. The only things keeping me sane is porn and well, someone. Someone that I'm very close to. Someone who isn't Taehyung.

I wish it wasn't like this, but I can't stop it. No matter how many times I tell myself "this is the last time" I always come crawling back. Back to the un-loyalty. I never planned it to be this repetitive. But I'm too far along now. I get almost everything I've ever wanted. A lovely boyfriend and a wild sex life. Only, it's not the same person in both of my stories. Yes, I feel bad, how could I not? But it isn't fully my fault. He made me this way. Taehyung lit a little candle inside of me that transformed into a fire pit.

At first, the guilt was unbearable. Having to stop talking every time we were together. Closing my mouth before spilling the sad, cruel truth. Some days, I would go as far as ignoring him all day to keep this secret hidden. A secret no one ever wants to hear in their whole life. Something that'll destroy them and hurt them like they've never felt pain before.

After a while, I got used to that feeling in my stomach. I no longer had to cover my mouth, or hide away. I got used it. I've gotten used to keeping this to myself.

Not realizing the music has stopped, I look at myself in the mirror.

Oh, Jungkook. What have you done to yourself?

I sigh deeply picking up my stuff ready to head back. This is why I got into dance. To be able to have something to turn to.

"Hey, Jungkook. What are you doing here?" I turn to see Jimin by the door. "I thought you said you weren't going to work today?" Jimin and I both enjoyed dancing since we were toddlers. We grew up dancing together. After college, we both decided to open up this studio to help children with their dancing, but also dance on our own terms.

"Yeah, I just needed to let out my anger," I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly, hoping he won't ask me why I'm mad.

"Is it because of Taehyung, again?" Of course he already knew. He is one of our best friends. "Did y'all have another argument?" I sighed deeply. He's known about me and Taehyung's problems for months now. I usually come to him after we fight.

"It's just his fucking job, man. I'm tired of always bringing this up but every day it gets more fucking infuriating. I don't even know what to do anymore." I rub my face with my hands. I'm confused. What if he doesn't want us to be a thing anymore? Is he tired of trying to make time for me?

I hear Jimin sit next to me, his hand finding it's way to my back, trying to console me.

"It's going to be okay. You and Taehyung have been through a lot, and y'all are going to get through this, too." I look up to him smiling at me. You know what? I deserve a break. And right now, there is a big opening in front of my eyes.

I grab the back of Jimin neck, bringing close.

"Jimin..." I whisper, looking deeply into his eyes. "I need you..." I kiss him softly on his plump lips. "Right now." I pick him up, his legs immediately wrapping around my waist, while roughly pushing him against the wall. Attacking his neck, leaving no area untouched.

"Mmmh, Jungkook," he moans gripping my hair. Jimin is perfect to have sex with. He's a freak in the bed that enjoys trying new things. I love that about him. I know it's very wrong from the both of us since we both are very close to Taehyung but, I mean, what else can we do?

I walk over to the closet with Jimin still attached to me.

"Shhh. Remember, we have to be quiet," I wink before closing the door.

First chapter is longer than intended but oh well. Have a nice day:))

words: 1625

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