Chapter 5

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I awoke the next morning, feeling tired as usual, and prepared myself to get up and get ready for school. Only problem was, that I couldn't move.

'What the hell?' I thought as I opened my eyes fully for the first time. I heard quiet breathing beside me and last night's events came flashing back to me. The park, the flashing party lights, picking up Bianca and sleeping with her.

I blushed at her closeness to me. It seemed that she got even closer to me when we were sleeping. The leg that used to be between my own two legs, was now draped across my waist. Her head was still on my shoulder and her tattooed arm was still draped across my chest. So basically, she's sleeping right on top of me.

I stared at her peaceful face on my shoulder, and let me tell you, it was by far the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I smiled softly at the sight.

Then I realize that since she's so close from my face, I could just lean in a couple of inches and we would be kissing. I find myself leaning in to do so, but at the last moment, I pulled away.

'What is wrong with you Cason?!' I thought to myself. 'You said you were not taking advantage of her you dickhead!'

I sighed before dropping my head onto the pillow again. A few minutes roll by before I feel Bianca starting to shift on top of me. She was waking up!

Quickly, I decided to do the squint method. It's a method I developed and mastered throughout my life. It's where I squint my eyes to the point that it appears that I am sleeping, but in truth I crack both eyes open and watch. And the method works every time. I just hoped that streak didn't end then.

Through my 'sleeping' eyes, I saw Bianca's eyes open wide in shock and heard her gasp at the position we are in. But what surprised me was that she did not move off of me completely. I felt her leg move off, but her arm remained on my chest.

"Hmm. He kinda looks cute asleep." she murmured.

I then decide it was now time to 'wake up' because I was sure my blush would give me away. I start to stir and Bianca gasps as I fully open my eyes. Apparently I had not seen the last two seconds of what happened because I saw that she seemed even closer to my face than she was before.

We both widened our eyes and yelled in shock. Then Bianca threw herself from me onto the floor.

"How am I here?!" she asked, looking around frantically.

"Bianca, I saved you from potential danger last night." I answered. She put on a look of utter confusion at my words. "What's the last thing you remember from yesterday?" I asked.

"I was at my friend's party last night. Then I had a drink, or two." she answered as she stood up.

"Well, apparently you had more than that Bianca." I said with a serious face as I stood by the bed. I did not dare to get closer to her in this situation. I don't want her thinking the wrong thing about us.

"What happened? Where are we?" she asked, putting her pants back on.

Respectfully, I tried to angle myself so that I would not look 'down there' as I replied. "Well, I found you out on the streets, wasted. I couldn't leave you all alone, for something may have happened to you. So I brought you to my place so you could sleep here."

"There's more." she said walking so that she was in front of me now, and she had a very serious look on her face. "What else happened last night?" she asked.

"Do you really want to know the rest?" I asked nervously. I didn't want to explain the rest to her, but with that intense glare she was giving me, I felt a sense of fear running through my spine and caved. "Alright fine. Just....don't hate me once I tell you. Please."

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