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The clock is ticking
It's always ticking
It will never stop

Even when I'm long dead
It will still tick on

How many nights have I spent
counting those steady ticks

How many nights have I spent
Wishing I didn't exist

Well I'm tired
I'm exhausted
I want my turn to be up

Why should I keep doing this
Why won't you just give up

The ticking keeps getting louder
God I want it to stop
But like I said before
It keeps ticking on

I'm shaking now
I'm trembling
Tears well inside my eyes

I'm sick of this
Of all of this
Just let me end these lies

I'm begging now
I'm pleading now
I'm sick of this facade
I'm not a poster child
It's time to move on

Stop yelling please
I'm sorry
I don't know why but I am

Gears and clockwork
I keep ticking
There's never silence in my mind

Even when I'm long gone
I will still tick on.

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