Chapter 2: The Bookstore

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As we approached the bookstore, I began to feel tingly in my wrist. My face felt hot and I didn't want Orange to even look at me. I was way too annoyed with the way he had acted. It is NOT my fault that I want to take care of my mother! I lowered my sight to the floor until he shoved me into the door.  "Customers!" He shouted, making me jump. My glasses had been leaning precariously on my nose and fell off, leaving me to bend down and find them. I felt Orange's feet nudge mine and I shot up, getting dizzy and then grabbing for something. Feeling something I grasped it, grateful for the feeling of stability being regained. A sudden realization forced me to quickly release Orange's hand. I turned around flustered and embarrassed (while still not having regained the gift of sight I might add), hoping I was talking to him and not just a red blur. "Why did you give me your hand?!" I interrogated him. I heard his carefree laughter and, "Well, you looked like you needed it" for a response. Cussing him out in my head I fumbled around in my brain for a response that he wouldn't laugh at. Of course, while I was acting like a broken car engine he found my glasses, picked them up and leaned in super close to put them back on me. So when I got the gift of sight back I also got Orange's face really close to mine, his brow furrowed in concentration. I felt so at peace being this close to him; I hadn't ever felt like this before. I stood there completely frozen until I heard a thump from behind the counter. While I was frozen in place due to a floaty feeling and a confusion over why I had it, Orange decided to go over and look over the counter. Seeing something, he raced behind the counter asking, "Hey you alright?!" I stalked over to the counter, where a plump young woman was rising and rubbing her back. Seeing Orange, she blushed profusely and began stammering. "Y-yes sir, I'm okay. Do you want to buy anything?" At her words, he nodded at me. "That's actually his department. Tak, you go on. I'll buy you whatever, but get me a manga please!" I felt jealous of the woman; Orange always made it a point to talk to cashiers and waiters. Really anyone whose job it was to socialize. Wait, you're kidding, my mind warned, you're not really JEALOUS of this girl, are you? Shaking my head I walked off to the farthest shelf and picked up a book. Flipping through the pages, I pretended to read it while I was listening intently for any conversation. Nothing. That meant either one of two things: either the situation got awkward or Orange didn't want me listening in. Why wouldn't he want me to listen in? I put the book down and casually turned around, finding Orange with one hand blocking his mouth from the direction of the door, his back turned towards me, whispering to the lady. What the-? No. No. It's just awkward. He'd tell you anything; you know that. But just in case... I walked to a closer shelf and picked up another book. This time, I could hear very faint whispering. Is this seriously all I'm gonna get?! I waited a few moments and was startled by a gasp. The hell was that for?! I hurriedly walked out to check on them (making sure to grab a book and marking a random page with my finger) and was greeted by him. "What?" He asked. I fumbled around in my head for an excuse, then found one, scowling and lifting the book. "Is someone having a heart attack or something? I was just getting to the good part!" I retorted. He laughed and waved me off. Now I know he didn't just do that...  Successfully annoyed, I walked behind the nearest bookshelf to fume. Asshole, my mind stated. I gotta get him back. Unless I was finally going insane I thought I heard the conversation start up again. Phone this is perfect, my mind said happily, finding a plan. Smiling slyly, I lifted myself up on the bottom rung and removed a book. The shelf began to fall, so I grabbed the shelf behind me to push up behind. Another gasp, and a faint, "Really?!" followed by anxious shushing. I glared at Orange and he glanced back, just in time to watch the shelf fall on top of me. Muffled shouting came from above, and I felt anxious. I had used my arms to shield myself and heard a clean snap. I felt my eyes widen in fear and then squeezed them shut as my glasses almost broke in my eyes. I yelped in pain and surprise. "Help!" Even though I heard muffled shouts of "we're coming" and "just hold on Tak" I was still having a panic attack. Suddenly, I heard a high-pitched yelp and the weight on top of me doubled. I gritted my teeth, hoping that maybe the other bookcase didn't just fall on top of me. Maybe I was just hallucinating, or maybe my panic was making me imagine things. I'm hoping. I took deep breaths in the hopes of calming down, but soon I was breathing like a lost little boy at the mall. HELP, my mind was screaming. YOU KNOW WHERE I AM!! Attempting the deep breaths again I slid my right hand down my left arm, finding a pleasant and pain-riddled spot where the bookcase was resting on it. This isn't happening. I didn't just break my arm. I yelled for help over and over, and after what felt like an eternity the burden was significantly lighter. Feeling pure adrenaline course through me I covered up my hurt arm with my other hand and shoved the other bookcase off of me. Opening my eyes I saw fragmentations of Orange and the girl, whose fractured nametag read "Hello, I'm Brittney!" A closer look at her dark hair and plump body revealed her to be Brittney Spitt, a girl we knew from school. She was always asking really useful questions in class, even though everyone knew she was smart enough to understand. Orange interrupted my thoughts by throwing his shaggy head in front of me. "Oh my god dude are you okay?!" He grabbed my elbow and raised it, looking at the very concerning dip that had formed there. I winced and brought it back down, holding it. "Yes. I'm fine." I looked down and picked up a book. "I wanted this one." My arm was screaming, and I refused to meet either of thier gazes. "A-are you sure?" Brittney asked, pointing to me. "Your glasses...." She trailed off, and an awkward silence ensued. "Yeah. Mom's gonna kill me though," I replied, smirking. "New glasses... Whoo I'm gonna get it when I get home!" Brittney had a concerned look. "What, your not gonna go to the hospital? Your arm looks like its been clean snapped!!" She exclaimed, demonstrating breaking a stick with her hands. I sighed and chuckled, finally seeing myself ready to meet her gaze. "Oh please. And deal with the bill? Forget about it!! I'll just stick with a broken arm!" Orange wrapped an arm around my shoulders and smiled at me, and I stood straight up, feeling that-that- floating feeling again. I looked into his deep brown eyes, curious as to what truths they beheld. He looked good. 'Course, he's been running to practice for the big track meet... The hell is wrong with you?! Stop it! I shook my head, trying to shake the feeling. Of course, that's not how Orange saw it. He looked at Brittney and smiled. "Okay, Britt, don't go freaking out on us, okay? But will you go get me my phone from the counter?" She sprinted over to the counter, grabbed his phone and threw it over to him, her face white as a sheet from having looked at my arm. I squeezed it, then winced and relaxed. I tried moving my hand, my fingers. Every movement brought another wave of pain surging up my arm. Orange took his arm off of me, caught it and began dialing. My shoulders sagged, no longer having a reason to be straightened. I looked back at him, then heard, "911? What's your emergency?" Just as he was about to speak I ran over to him amd shouted, "They don't have good burgers at the mall!!" He turned back, his look one of pure hatred. I knew what this meant and backed off, going back to stand over by Brittney for protection. He smiled and turned back around to finish the call. "Yeah, sorry. My friend broke his arm. Yes I can. Alright we are..." I turned my back on him to find Brittney stifling a laugh with one hand. I scowled at her and yelled, "The hell is so funny?!" She quickly removed her hand to shush me. She put her hand over her lips and pointed to Orange, then made a heart sign with her hands and pointed to me. "What the-?!" I glared at her while she stood there smiling at me. My face felt hot, and the realization that I was blushing sent me back to the depths of my mind, where I was at war. What the hell were you doing?! One mind blared in frustration. W-well, I wasn't thinking, the other part of me replied meekly. You liked it too, so what is the problem? My mind's own words made me jump slightly, sending delicate drips of pain down my arm. I smiled and chuckled, noticing Brittney's terrified look. Within minutes, an ambulance had arrived and I got a free book.

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