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Niall's POV

Me and Lou were just sitting on the couch cuddled up watching Full House when something crossed my mind

"Lou do you ever think about having kids?"

"I don't know... Do you?"

"Of course! Can we please go to the adoption center  tomorrow

and fill out some papers?"

"Yeah we could do you have a gender in mind?"

"Yeah I really want a girl".

"OK we'll go first thing in the morning"

"OK babe".

                     -The Next Day-

Louis's P.O.V

I wake up at 10:39 with Niall at my side. He starts to toss and turn and finally his eyes flutter open and he smiles.

"Morning babe" Niall says

"Mornin'.. Are u ready to go get our baby girl?" I ask


We get up and get dressed we walk to the car and hop in.

"There's an adoption center babe!" Niall yelps

"okay okay" I say

We pull up in the front and and get out of the car. When we walk in there kids everywhere little and big ones. A lady in at least her mid 30's walks up to me and Niall

"Hello Gentlemen are u looking for a specific age?"

"Yes can we have a girl that is from 2-4 please?" Niall says

"Sure just come and sit right over here"

We walk to where she said and she called the ages. Girls from 2-4 came running into the room, But there was this one girl that caught my eye. She was sitting all alone in a corner

"Hold on Niall" I say

I walk up to her and tap her shoulder

"Hello sweetie!"

"Hi" she says quietly

"What's your name?" I ask her

"Bria" she says

Bria's POV

I was sitting alone in a corner when I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked up and saw a man around the age of 20

"Hello sweetie" The man says

"Hi" I say quietly

"What's your name?" he asked me

"Bria" I say quietly again

"Well my name is Louis.... How old are you?"

"I'm am 4 years old!!!!"

"awweeee your so cute! I think I might adopt you"

Right when he said that I think my face drained color

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