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*thunk* thunk* *thunk*

"Hmm." I moaned as I woke up.

*thunk* *thunk* *thunk*

"What is it Tyler?" I yelled in a tired tone. Tyler is my 11 year old brother. He's the type of brother to annoy the crap out of me any time of day. But I still loved him.

*thunk* *thunk* *thunk*

"Oh my god Tyler! It's 2:37 in the morning!" I said getting up to go open my door. "So go
To bed!" I finished all irritated.

"Mhhhhhh." Tyler said.

"Speak clearer idiot!" I said yawning. All of a sudden he tackled me. "What the hell Tyler! Whats wrong with you?!" I said trying to push him off. He kept getting closer and trying to bite me. "Tyler! Tyler stop!" I said scared. I was kicking him and trying to push him of me. He got so close then I pushed him off me and into the hall then I shut my door and locked it.

What just happened? Why was he doing that. It's almost like he was- nah not possible.

I laid back down and slept some more. I woke up at 7:00am to the thumping again. I turned my tv on and there was a breaking news story. I decided to watch.

"A disease has came to North America. It's not a disease known to us yet. It leave people with a radiant fever, to a possible coma, then death. But the strange thing is people who get this brought back to life. Strange I know! But this is leaving all humanity in grave danger. The only way to get this is if your bit or scratched. Please be safe aim for the head. And god bless you-" The news reporter was cut off by power going off. Great! Wait aim for the head. I went over by my window to get my phone to call my friend Abbie. My phone wasn't working so great! I looked out my window and I saw over 2 dozen of those things that were like my brother.
Oh my god! One of them just bite or or started to eat my neighbor Mrs. Dallas. This is horrible.
I started to cry cause all this jut happened all of a sudden.

*pow* *pow* *pow*

I jumped at the gun fire that was being shot at the people. They got shot in the head and dropped. So.... Aim for the head. That's what kills them.

I looked in my room for the sharpest thing. I found a pair of scissors. So I grabbed them and took a deep breath. Do or die. I opened the door an what use to be my brother flung towards me. I clothes lined him which made him fall. Then I hopped on top of him and stabbed him right between the eyes. I held that position for a few minutes. I just cried. That was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I pulled myself together and went downstairs to find my parents. Or what use to be. They eyed me down then slowly moved their way to me.
I don't know what came over me. Just a huge adrenaline rush. I pushed them down and ran to the kitchen. Then I grabbed two knives and killed both my parents. I laid on my kitchen floor crying really bad. It hurts to be the only one here.

*thunk* thunk* *thunk*

The thinking grew intense. I peeked out my front doors peek hole and saw 5 people like my brother. Oh Jesus! I slid down my door and brought my knees to my chest and tucked my head down and wrapped my arms around my legs. Then I just cried. I realized... I won't let this world get to me.

I wiped my tears away.Took a deep breathe and said to myself "Not me! I won't be the girl to die. I won't be another dead girl. I'm gonna beat this world!"

Fighters( The Walking dead/Carl Grimes imagine)Where stories live. Discover now