Its all gonna be okay

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After days of walking we came upon a... tunnel.

"Are we going through it or around it?" I asked.

"Well it would take longer to go around so maybe we should go through." Maggie said grabbing a flashlight. I grabbed onto Maggie's hand and then we started to walking into the dark tunnel. We walked for like 5 minutes until we heard walkers. we shined our lights there were many!

"Maggie!" I whisper shouted.

She looked around frantically. The she held her gun up. She shot at the top of the tunnel. We ran back the way we came once the top started to crumble down. Once it settled down we walked forward more. Ten we saw that a lot of the walkers were trapped under the rocks. We continued walking. About 10 minutes if walking we came to the end of the tunnel.

"Maggie!" I whispered. "Look!" I said pointing straight. She looked up. There was a blue mini van. With 3 living people in it. 2 boys and a girl. We walked towards it and they got out.

"Who the hell are you?" I said.

"I'm Eugene. that's Abraham and Rosetta. Who must you be." Eugene said.

"I'm Lain. That's Maggie, Sasha, and Bob." I said.

"Well ladies, Bob it was-" We all turned back to the tunnel. We heard yelling Everyone got in the van and Rosetta drove into the tunnel. We stopped when we saw a hunch of walkers. We got out an shot them all. Then Maggie went over to the screaming people.

"Are you-" She cut herself of. She went over and hugged the male figure.

"Glenn?" I said.

"Lain!" He said. I walked let and hugged them. I even started to cry.

"We found you." I said in between cries.

After that episode it started to get dark. So we decide to camp out here. I laid down in between Maggie and Glenn and fell asleep. I could faintly hear them talking but I was just so peacefully sleeping I didn't wake up. I was so happy we found him. It was like everything was gonna be okay again. Eventually everything went quiet. So I indicated they went to sleep.

********Next Day********

"Lain! Lain honey wake up." Maggie said.

I lightly peeled my eyes open. She smile at me. I smiled back. Then I got up.

"Are we still going to terminus?" I asked.

"It's worth a shot." Glenn said. That was it. We were going to terminus. Sanctuary for all community for all. Those who arrive survive.

We walked for like 2 hours then Ce along a sign and a gate.

"We're here." I said softly.

We walked in and turned a corner. we saw a lady at a baroque thing cooking. She looked up and smile.

"Welcome. Here let me go you a plate." She said. We all smiled. We might actually have found a real safe place like the prison. noting will be better than that though.

I took the plate and started to eat it like it was my job.

"So how have you survive this long?'Glenn asked.

"We managed." Gareth said. He nodded. When they went to go give us a place to stay they took our weapons

"Hey! Give those back!" I yelled.

"Shut up! Now give me every thing you have!" He said. "Now! or the girl dies" He said pointing a gun to my head.

"You sick bastard!" Maggie said. He shoved us into a train cart. I started screaming and kicking and punching the door.

"Lain. Lain! It's no use." Maggie said. She brought me into a hug.

"We might as well just stay here and rot!" I said in tears.

"Shh! It'll be okay!" She said.

I just laid down and cried my eyes out. eventually I cried myself to sleep.

The next day I woke up and I talked to some of the new people. The were pretty cool. There was ligit nothing to do. Well I braided the girls hair and I braided Eugene's hair. Then I had a staining contest with the guys. Hmm what else. There was nothing to do.

We all jumped to the sound of gun fire.

"What is that about." I said. The shooting got louder and louder by the second.

"I don't know." Maggie said. It all went silent. Then we faintly heard Gareth. I couldn't really understand. A few minutes went by then I heard a man's voice say "My son!" Then they opened the door. One by one 4 people came. wait...

"Rick?" Glenn said.

"Glenn?" He said.

"Oh my god! Carl!" I did and ran over to him and hugged him so tight.

"Lain! Oh my god! I can't believe it's you!" He said. I started to cry so bad in his arms. I could tell he was too.

"I found you! I thought I'd never see you again." I said in between tears.

"Same! I found you!" He said. I kissed him for so long! And hugged him.....Mostly kissed though;)

After we calmed down we all stood in a circle.

"Rick what are we gonna do?" Glenn said.

"I don't know but their gonna feel really stupid when they find out." He said peeking out the crack of the train cart.

"When they find out what?"Abraham said.

"Their screwing with the wrong people." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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