The Argument That Started it All

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  This all started on a brisk, spring afternoon, Derek and Glenda, had just finished eating lunch, whenever she began to freak out on him about something. It was becoming more frequent, and each time it happened, it was much worse, and it was starting to worry Derek a bit.

 "What the hell are you going on about now?" Derek asked, sounding frustrated.

 "You just don't get it. You never understand what I am trying to tell you. I saw the way you were flirting with your co- worker on the phone earlier!" Glenda screamed.

 "Katrina? You can't be serious! She is like a sister to me! Where is all this coming from?"

 "Maybe if you didn't make me feel unimportant, I wouldn't have anything to worry about, now would I?"

 "Do you not hear yourself? You're making a big deal out of nothing, like usual." Derek sighed. "I am done having this conversation, it isn't getting anywhere." 

  He turned his back to Glenda and started walking away. She started breathing heavily, and the more Derek ignored her, the angrier she got. Glenda picked a knife up from the table and started to charge at her boyfriend, putting a gash in his arm.

 "What the hell is wrong with you?" he shouted.

 "You pissed me off. " Glenda shot back.

 "I know you can't be fucking serious right now?"

 "What are you going to do about it? Nothing. You never do anything."

 "I will tell you what I am about to do... It's over!" Derek shouted. "I'm packing your things now, and you are leaving."

  That was a big mistake on his part, he will eventually regret his decision soon enough...

  It took an hour, to get Glenda's stuff packed up, and another hour to get her psychotic ass out of the house.

 "You will regret this Derek, I promise you that. By the time I am done finished, I f I let you live, you are going to wish I had killed your sorry ass!" she shouted before walking away.

  The words she said, made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, going by instinct, he went through the house, locked every single door, and window. Got out his gun, and kept every light in the house on. There is no telling what Glenda meant by what she said, and he sure didn't want to find out.

    Derek must of dozed off on the couch, because he woke up with the morning light, and someone knocking on the door. Yawning, he got his gun ready and looked through the peep hole. "Katrina?" he said opening the door.

 "I am sorry to budge in on you like this." Katrina said, a bit frantic.

 "No, please hurry on in." Derek said, closing and locking the door behind her. "So... what is going on?"

  Katrina broke down, and explained to Derek what happened when Glenda confronted her earlier, and how she threatened her. She no longer felt safe at her house, and she had no one else to turn to. Derek was in shock, especially when Katrina explained what Glenda looked like when she appeared at her house.

 "Alright, here is what we are going to do. You are staying here with me, we can't call the cops because there is no imminent proof of any harm, and just  a bunch of threats." Derek explained. "But at least if you are here, I will know that you will be safe."

 "Are you sure?" Katrina asked. 

 "Yes, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I will talk to a few other people, see if they will come, and we will all stick together." Derek said.

  Although, what he didn't know was that the longer Glenda stayed away, the longer she had to stew in her own anger, and conjure up some evil plan of mass destruction, not only against Derek and Katrina, but also anyone else who tries to interfere. She was building a supernatural evil army, something that couldn't be fought just by human forces, but will try like hell.

  Derek had about 10 other people in line that he was about to start calling, but things are going to start happening really soon, maybe even before extra help arrives to aid Derek and Katrina. It is now becoming the ultimate fight for their lives....

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