Attempted Murder... Another Death

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  Derek flew back about 3 feet, whenever Glenda burst through the door, and he hit his head on the metal frame of the bed. She then walked in, slamming the door behind her, turning her attention back to Derek.

 "I am really going to enjoy killing you and your little slut over there, if you are lucky, maybe I will let the other ones live. Alex tie the girls up, Derek and I have some unfinished business to take care of." Glenda said, her voice growing even deeper. It was like the longer this went on, the more the evil manifested inside of her, and started to become her.

  Alex did what he was instructed, Glenda picked up one of the knives she saw sitting on the floor, and walked towards Derek. "All you had to do was listen and be faithful, but you couldn't, so now it is payback time!" Glenda shouted.

  She rose the knife up, and stabbed it right in Derek's abdomen, not once, not twice, but three times,before she decided to stop. Derek started coughing, and spitting up some blood, he was fading fast. Nate ran over to him, and applied pressure to the stab entries, to stop the bleeding, but there was way to much, and Derek looked at his best friend. "T...take care of Katrina and Layla.... p....please?"

 "I will man, don't you worry about that." Nate said, then he held onto his friend as long as he could... before long, Derek took his last breath. Nate put his head down and started crying, he had just watched his best friend die, and his blood was all over him.

  Katrina and Layla started to scream. Nate had a look of rage in his eyes, and picked up the sword and darted at Glenda. She turned around with something in her hand, and they both started fighting. She hit Nate a few times, but he only got a few minor gashes in his arm and someplace else; however, too bad for Glenda, he hit her unexpectedly in a few places and she started losing blood from places she didn't even know had been hit.

 "Apparently it still bleeds." Nate said as Glenda fell to the floor.

 "How is... t..this happening? I... I can't die!" Glenda sputtered.

 "You may be all evil on the onside, but your outer shell is human, so I beg to differ on that." Nate said, then drove the sword straight into Glenda's 'heart'. "That is for everyone, and everything you have done! Burn in hell bitch."

  By the time Nate had killed Glenda, Alex had dipped out of the room somehow, leaving the two girls tied up, luckily Nate knew what he was doing, because he was a boy scout at one point in his life. Once he got the girls untied, he took a good look at them. "Come on, we need to go to the hospital."

  A few hours later, they ended up in the emergency room. Nate and Katrina were treated for mild injuries, but Layla had to be admitted, due to the severe nature of her beatings. She was going to be in there for a week, if not more, it would depend on her recovery process. She did get to have visitors though, Nate and Katrina did come see her before they left the hospital.However, on their way back to Derek's house, they were able to hold down a normal conversation.

 "Do you think she will be alright?" Katrina asked.

 "Layla? Well, sure she will. She is a fighter just like you, and very brave too, I am proud of both of you." Nate said. "I am sorry about Derek, I know how much you cared about him and how close you two were."

 "Yeah, but at least his death won't be in vain. He died trying to protect us, all of us for that matter. He is a great guy and will surely be missed." Katrina said.

 "Kat, are you going to be alright?" 

 "Yeah Nate, I am fine. Don't worry, we are alive because of Derek's bravery, and your too."

 "I know, I just wanted to make sure. Come on, I will stay with you at Derek's for a while. You don't need to be alone. None of us really do." Nate said, as they entered Derek's house.

  From then on, they stayed at Derek's house until Layla got out of the hospital, then from there they had to make a plan of what was going to happen next. They were at a bit of a standstill for a while, but it was quite normal, after what they went through what they just went through....

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