Chapter 4

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Linda's POV

Sitting down across from Sophia i smiled at her.

"Do you work here?" I asked her while trying my best to sound interested

"No I work a couple shops down, at Dani's Diner." she replied while smiling, yuk I hate that diner.

"That's cool, have you come here before?" i asked while masking my disgust with a smile

"no it was a last minuet thing" she replied 

"oh okay, ive been coming here for years" I lied with false enthusiasm

"That's coo-" Her reply was cut off by the loud ringing of a phone, I look down at my pocket to see my brothers caller id flashing, UGH!, he always ruins everything. I looked back at Sophia with sorry eyes and answered the call while mouthing 'i'll be right back' at her. Making my way towards the front entrance I could hear my brothers yelling echoing from the phone. Stepping out side I walked a little further down till I reached the end of the front window.

"Yes?" I asked into the phone in a tired voice, I was so sick of hearing his whining.


"Geez, sorry your highness I was busy making conversation with Sophia which you so rudely interrupted" I replied not bothering to hide my bitchy tone.

"WHY THE FUCK WHERE YOU NEAR HER? DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU COULD'VE CAUSED!" came his reply, I felt a little bad for disobeying his wishes and going to see Sophia, me and him have always been super close so when he yells or gets angry at me it really affects me. 

"I'm sorry " I say in barely a whisper, i hear him sigh on the other end before he replies

"Its okay Lin, just you know better to disobey me. What if you got hurt or lead him to Sophia?" he said in a concerned voice. The very mention of him disgusted me and sent chills to my core. How could I be so stupid? I knew how much my brother liked Sophia and I blatantly put her in danger. 

"I,I didn't realise, I'm so sorry coco-bear" I said using his childish nickname to try and make things better.

"Ughh, you know I cant stay mad at you Lin come back home and I'll tell you my new plans about Sophia." he said in a much calmer tone.

"Okay I'll call Chase and get him to pick me up, see you soon" I said while hanging up, I turned around, about to walk inside and tell Sophia a 'family emergency' popped up but when I peeked inside through the front windows she was gone. Dammit! what if she got suspicious and knows somethings up? No I cant think like that I have to stay positive, she probably just had other things to do. I quickly take out my phone again and text Chase to pick me up. Chase is my bros best and most trusted friend and he's also my secret boyfriend. Now I know what your thinking secret boyfriend? Well long story short my brother would literally kill him for even talking to me yet alone dating me, which is why we decided to keep it a secret till he has a girl and he's happy too. The thought of my big bro finally having a girl and maybe smiling once in a while brought a big smile to my face. I was brought back to reality by the loud honk of Chase's pick up truck (I'm really sorry but idk a lot about cars so bare with me) I looked up at him and smiled as his shaggy,dirty blond hair  fell in his eyes. I walked up to his window and gave him a quick peck before making my way round the other side and jumping in. The trip home was short, we just listened to music and talked about each others day and a little bit about our future. When we reached home I instantly jumped out of the car and ran towards my brothers office, don't ask me why he has a office I honestly don't know. Pushing the wooden door open I run into his office and literally squeeze him to death in a tight hug. 

"Woah there little tiger" he says while ruffling my hair after I release him. I laugh at the childish nickname he still uses.

"Sooo?" I asked in a whiny voice

"So what?" he asked while smiling down at me

"Sooo, what are your plans on Sophia?" I asked while grinning widely at  him

"Well all I have so far is that you enrol as a new student at her high school, become friends with her and watchout for her on my behalf" he said with a serious expression on his face. My screams echoed throughout the tiny office as I bounced up and down in joy

"Are you serious!? You mean I don't have to do that stupid home schooling thing anymore" I asked filled with extreme excitement. He just nodded while watching me literally bouncing off the walls.

"Okay its getting late, you should head to your room and chill out or go to bed." he said still smiling at my childish behaviour. I nodded and said a quick good night before hugging him and running off down the hall towards my bedroom. as soon as I was in reach of my bed I dove into the light blue covers and closed my eyes eager for tomorrow to come.

Sorry this chapter is a little short but I didn't really know where I wanted to go with it, hope you like it tho x, I will update soon so hang tight

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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