Chapter 2

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"But before I go..."

I could feel my heart rise up in my throat, and my hands grow sweaty, my mind started racing coming up with every possible solution of what he could do to me. I started looking around frantically for any sort of escape, but it was hopeless I already knew that he had a knife and gun on him  which he could butcher me up with so I didn't want to imagine what else he could do. I was brought back to reality by the sound of my heavy breathing  and a sudden warmth spreading across my hip to my lower back.  I look down suddenly alert to find his arm curled around my lower back, I quickly look up searching his eyes for any emotion but there was nothing. just as my mouth opens to question him, his arm retracts and I see he is holding my wallet from my jeans back pocket.
"w w what" I manage to choke out as I stand there dumb founded. his deep chuckle then rings out through the cool, crisp air.
"bambino did you really think I would do something to you now? he asked, I could sense the confidence in his voice which only made me feel even smaller, but what really got me was the word 'now' what did he mean? or more accurately did I really want to find out?
"Hhmm" he said as he started digging through my wallet like a dog. I wanted so badly to smack him in the face but I somehow managed to stay calm. My mouth once again opened ready to ask what he was looking for but was quickly cut off when I felt his hot breath on my neck and his lips brush against my ear.
"So my little mouse's name is Sofia?" He whispered deviously.
"m mouse?" I asked hesitantly not sure if I should have. Just as he opened his mouth to reply sirens were heard in the distance, they are probably only two streets away if I can stall him they could arrest this murderer.
As if he had read my mind a smirk played on his lips.
"I hate to leave but otherwise I could get caught and we don't want that, do we darling?" Seriously getting sick of these nicknames, dangerous or not, I am about to give him a piece of my mind but when I turn my gaze to where he was I found the space empty. After spending at least an hour explaining what happened to the police and having to walk home through the cold dark streets I finally reached my apartment. I could feel a smile form as I entered the warmth filled apartment, i made my way to my bed and flopped on it cuddling up to the plush blankets. It wasn't long before sleep found me and I drifted off with one thought still running wild in my mind.

Who was that man in the alley?

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