Heavy Hearts

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   The trio of readers convene in front of the watcher and converse with one another. 

   "Oh don't think I don't know what you all are planning. No matter what happens, I'll succeed in my goals." Spoke one reader with an almost cackling tone. Her fingers tap and tap against one another in a sly manner. The watcher made no eye contact with her and simply let their eyes fall upon the other two.

   "Why must you make this so difficult? Can we not resolve this peacefully like grown adults? If you would just accept your death and-" The shortest reader is cut off with a swift hand pointing straight ahead at the silent reader.

   "Hah! If only accepting one's own demise was that easy! 'Oh Izanami, please just die for us! You're replacement is so much better!' What a bunch of nonsense! How could someone not spawned from fa-.... The Infinite, be able to replace the very first existence?" She hisses and cracks the skeleton fingers on her bony hand.

   "...You should have stayed dead from the very first time Sen killed you. Then you wouldn't have to feel the fear you do now, nor would you have stained your hands with so much blood." The silent finally speaks in a curt direct tone towards Izanami.

   "Ah, I don't fear anything my dear, ignorant, tainted child. If you're all going to point fingers at my crimes, shouldn't it be fair for me to do the same to you? Sen, darling, how could you allow all of your shrines to die out? Weren't they all under your esteemed protection? I remember hearing those cute shrine maidens praying for your divine protection, but you only ever saved one single maiden. Let's not even delve into the amount of souls you've tortured by turning them into Champions of Sen." She chuckles haughtily and with sick enjoyment at the clear discomfort of Sen.

   "Y-you know that's not the whole truth! We just couldn't... You were the one who put us on a leash in matters such as those! You declared we couldn't answers prayers on Mondays and Fridays, and then encouraged your followers to ransack our shrines on those specific days!" Sen made a decent defense for their actions, but Izanami grew too bored of that conversation to fire back. Instead, she was already fired up to break down Kokogami and her poker face act. 

   "My dear, you're far worse than me. I told you that having a natural child was a vile crime and warned you that the punishment would last several thousand years. Of course, much like the rebellious child you are, you allowed yourself to be impregnated by a mere mortal creature on the level of a dog. I forgave crime, as I am an understanding mother to you, but warned you that if the child lived I'd be forced to punish you. Well, you broke that rule, and pleaded with your dear Creator to forgive you. Like the generous Creator I am, I offered you one single way to cleanse your crimes; burn your sin alive in a shrine of yours. Even I was surprised when you did the deed without any second of hesitation; Granted, you did spectacularly fail." Izanami nearly doubles over in a mocking, cruel laughter that rings throughout the void.

   "... One life doesn't compare to the billions you've reaped." Kokogami didn't have time to hear the same story again. Why couldn't that incident just disappear already? It certainly did nothing to help the constant agitations she experiences on a daily basis.

   "Yes, but it's different when that one life is your own flesh and blood. Why, I'd never do anything like that to you my darling." Her grin is obviously fake, unsympathetic, and callous as one could possibly be.

   "You've done far worse to me, and you know it." Kokogami grows increasingly furious by Izanami's lies, and takes a step towards her antagonistically. Sen steps between the two of them before they end up in an illegal fight in front of the only one who could punish the Grand Trinity with ease. 

   "Enough! We only wish things wouldn't have come to this. We only... We only wanted to be with you two in peace. Why must we fight and loathe each other so? We don't hate either of you..." Sen's eyes glance to opposite sides and slowly lets their hands fall to their hips.

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