9:30 am

7 1 0

"The princess has beautiful lips and eyes, but I can't compare to that of a princess."

Colbie woke up first, looking at the girl in front of them, sleeping peacefully. Their stomach was engulfed with butterflies and extremely nervous. One of the only reasons they fell asleep together was because the two were just too tired to move into their own positions. Colbie was warm, not only because of how nervous they were but because Tess was a natural body heater.

Tess woke up maybe 20 minutes later and looked up at Colbie tiredly.


Colbie's heart skipped a beat. The feeling of butterflies only intensified. Colbie mumbled back,

" Morning."

Tess cuddled up to Colbie and hummed softly,

" Are you going home today?"

" If you'd like me to."

" No. No. I want you to stay."

" I'll stay love."

Tess laid quietly in Colbie's arms and had their arms draped around Colbie's sides. Tess had so many thoughts about Colbie. First of all, Colbie wasn't straight, and that made talking so much easier. Being in a community of people made it much easier to get along. Second, Colbie was really welcoming and almost shy, obviously never in a relationship before, and Tess really liked the innocence. Third, and finally, Tess had a serious attraction to Colbie. She found them adorable and amazing. Tess loved the red hair that flowed down their back one day and was tucked away from the next. Everything made sense to Tess once they looked at Colbie.

Colbie, on the other hand, was scared. They didn't know what they felt for the girl in front of them or the boy on Skype. Colbie looked down at Tess and she met their eyes. Tess smiled softly,

" You're really good to look at. Sorry if you're bothered by my staring."

Colbie blushed and looked at the girl in front of them. They kept getting such an urge to kiss the girl in front of them. Tess looked at Colbie's eyes and then at their lips slightly and cuddled closer to them. Tess leaned forward to ease the tension between the two and Colbie did as well. They had no idea what exactly they were doing, but it felt right. Both of their lips briefly grazed until the door was slammed on. Tess' mom yelled from outside,

" Loves get up! I've got breakfast on the table for you guys!"

Colbie flinched and had nearly fallen off of the bed. Tess giggled and sat up,

"Be down in a minute mom!"

Tess got up and walked over to the door, looking back at Colbie and giggling. As soon as she left, Colbie got up and sighed shakily,

" Holy hell."

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