Arrival Of The Zass's Mother

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At 7:15 P.M,

Mr.Lyron returned from office early
as he was not feeling well.

He entered in the house,

"Hii you came back early "said Mrs.Lyron

"Yeah"said Mr.Lyron

"You know what, today no one had  came to check the T.V"
"Have you told the owner of that shop to come here"said Mrs.Lyron

"You know what, 
Whatever I'm going to tell is unbelieveable so please believe me I don't know how you will beilieve me but please believe"
today when I went to that shop.And    I saw that the shop was not at its place and there was only a empty plot and this really making me confusing because just 2 days ago I saw the shop was there but today it disappear"
said Mr.Lyron with lots of fear and confusion at his face.

"Oh Lord"

"I told you......
  I told you that there is something really really really wrong and specially in that T.V and I'm pretty sure that all the things are happening here is just due to this T.V and you are not believing me"said Mrs.Lyron

"So.... What can I do?"asked Mr.Lyron

"Take this T.V out of this house this is the only way to get out from this problem"replied Mrs.Lyron

"Okay I will take it out tomorrow morning"said Mr.Lyron

As there was cold outside.

Its 1:45 A.M,

Everyone was sleeping except
Mrs.Lyron.She was just thinking about yesterday incident with her and thinking where that shop had gone?and talking to herself.

Suddenly she saw a bright light which was coming from the hall and also a old woman was standing in the hall and calling Mrs.Lyron.

She afraid little bit but then she make herself strong and went there.She was willing to see the face of that old woman but face was not visible.

"Who are You?"asked Mrs.Lyron

"You forgot me baby"old woman replied

Suddenly that light was getting dim and now Mrs.Lyron could see the face of that old woman.

"Mom"said Mrs.Lyron and cried

"Yes baby.How are you my child?"

"I'm fine mom but how are you mom?"said Mrs.Lyron

"I'm here baby just to tell you that don't take this T.V out"
"This T.V is just here to protect you"

"But........"said Mrs.Lyron

Old woman interrupt Mrs.Lyron and said "He is coming here.........."

Suddenly someone pulled Mrs.Lyron from behind and she was screaming loudly......

All of sudden she woke up from her dream.

And she was like "Ohhh this was my dream"

And she was just thinking that her mom wanted to say something about this T.V and she thought that T.V was not dangerous.

Then she called Mr.Lyron who was in the other room.

Mr.Lyron came and sat near her.

"Honey please don't take this T.V out"
said Mrs.Lyron

"But why"asked Mr.Lyron

"Please don't ask anything"replied Mrs.Lyron

"Zass I'm going to office"said Mr.Lyron

"Okay but please come back early"said Mrs.Lyron

"Okay I'll try"said Mr.Lyron

And then he left the house.........

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