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I slept soundly that night and now I felt my consciousness rising to the surface. The curtains were open and the sun was high in the sky that I could tell it was nine o’clock even without opening my eyes. I had a little headache, not a hangover thank god for the glory of youth, and so badly wanted to sleep in so I snuggled myself further under the covers and hugged a pillow.


Covers? A pillow?

I slowly opened my eyes. Blinked once and then twice… three times. I was in a bed. I may have as good as passed out last night but I clearly remember it being on the sofa and yet here I am on a huge white bed.

Okay so two things might have happened. One, I sleep walked which often happened when I was a kid but never again as an adult. Two, Jake carried me to the bedroom. I don’t know which one I prefer more but both are equally so embarrassing that gosh darn it I swear to god that I am never drinking ever again. However, thought of Jake carrying me to his room made be blush from head to toe. How I would love to have that happen when I am fully awake and conscious but as fate had it, Jake is straight and wouldn’t be willingly carrying me to a bedroom for whatever reason it may be.

I groaned as I forced myself up and looked around the room. Taking in the litte details of the room, the tie hanging for the arm of the chair in the corner of the room, the ajar door to the ensuite bathroom that gave me a glimpse of all the hair product, a hamper full of laundry on the other corner of the room. It suddenly dawned on me that I wasn't in a guest room like I thought. This was Jakes room. Okay. Maybe he doesn't have a guest room and didn't want to let me suffer on his couch. Yes let's go with that.

I then hopped out of bed and a little sticky note on the bedside table caught my eye. I squinted at it and gingerly picked it up. He... he couldn't have left a note for me did he? That's not really what friends do right? That's what married couple or generally people who had sex the night before do.

Shut up Ryan. Maybe it's not even for you.

I gingerly picked the note up and read,

I'm sorry I couldn't be here when you woke up. Work calls. Made a small breakfast for you, You know where it is.

"Shit." I couldn't help but say outloud.

This really doesnt mean anything but why am I rolling around the bed pressing a pillow on my face screaming like a crazy person?!

I can't. Stop it. STOP. IT. RIGHT. NOW. Why am I freaking out? It was a note. Not even a love note. Just a note. Right.

I went downstairs into the kitchen when I finally got my senses together, ate the breakfast he prepared which was just delicious and decided that I wouldn't overstay my welcome and called an uber to Kevin's parents' resort to go get my car. As much as I wanted to stay, I couldn't. I had an exam the next day from my one of my overbearing professors and I couldn't afford to not be there without a proper excuse.

The car stopped at the resort's lobby and I stepped out of the car.

"Hey man!" a voice called out. Kevin. I whipped my head around to face him. He looked annoyingly preppy and not hungover at all.

"Hey, sorry I disappeared last night." I called out to him when he was a few feet away.

"All's well man." Kevin said still walking towards me. He looked like he was going for a bro hug. "You looked really drunk yesterday." He grasped my hand in a weird handshake and closed the distance in an awkward for me and not for him bro hug. Yep. Okay. Right.

He was still saying something but I couldn't hear anything he was saying because a familiar silhouette beside the receptionist's desk caught my eye.

It was Jake with a woman.

"So we should totally go hangout here for a couple more hours before we go back." I finally heard Kevin say. I was still distracted, looking over to where Jake was. He was wearing his work suit and he looked so handsome. Who was the woman with him?

"Uh yeah sure.." I mumbled to Kevin. I raised my hand to catch Jake's attention but as I did so, he leaned over to the woman beside him, his eyes full of adoration and kissed her.


Of course.

How could I forget? The fact that he's straight and can never be mine was imposed in my brain now. No matter how sweet and caring he can be, he will never be attracted to me. He will always choose the soft curves and sweet touches of a woman instead of my masculine physique.


I turned to Kevin and smiled at him. “I don't think I can stay in San Diego any more. I have to go back. Exam with Prof. Mcgrumperton tomorrow remember?" I put my hand on his shoulder when he let out a frustrated whine.

"Ugh. You just had to remind me. Okay fine. Let's go."

And with that, I turned my back from Jake. I wasn't heartbroken as much as I was  just plainly disappointed. I always knew he could never be mine but seeing him now with a lover just solidified that knowledge. It shouldn't hurt but as fate had it, it did.

I'm so sorry please don't kill me. It has been weeks since I last uploaded and I sincerely apologize. I have a lot of things going on but I don't even think that that's a good enough excuse. So to make you guys believe that I'm really sorry, I will be uploading everyday for five days.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first of five....although it's very short

Lots of love

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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