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I'm sorry.... You'll undertand at the end

|It's Okay|

I stayed away from Louis and Niall after what had happened. I felt like it was my fault, my fault that Louis got hurt. I felt guilt and just the thought of him dying made me sick to my stomach, I’ve been getting many calls from Niall and Louis. They’ve been a nervous wreck and right now Niall was knocking on my door asking for me to let him in.

I loved Niall like a friend, if he got hurt I couldn’t live with myself. “Pay please open the damn door!” His Irish accent was thick from yelling, I could just see him now, his hair all over the place from him pulling at the ends. I sat down on my couch looking at a blank TV screen, I’ve been thinking about my dreams and how they come to life. I remember when I was younger.

I had two friends Liam and Zayn, they were the best friends a girl could ask for at the age of ten. They both knew something was wrong with me so if something out of line happened they would let it go and give me space. Now that I think about it, I remember their death like a movie, and that frightened me.

I remember Liam looking up at me his brown eyes burning into mine. What he said shocked me, he said two simple words that still make me question to this day. He said “It okay” and next thing I knew he was dead.

A tear slipped from my eyes, a sob echoed through my house. I felt so alone, my friends left me, and now I’m blocking out my two other friends. A chilling breeze froze my bones and I knew he was here.


I looked up to see him, he looked normal once more. He reminded me of my brother in away, his green eyes and brown somewhat curly hair. I don’t remember my younger brother that much but I do remember how he looked.

“What, what do you want?” My voice was shaky and Niall’s pleads were louder now.

Let him in

I was confused and looked up at him once more only to see two little boys in his place, Zayn and Liam. A small smile crept to my lips as more tears shredded.

They disappeared in a blink of an eye. I got up slowly and opened the door to meet Louis and Niall. Niall gasped and pulled me into a bone crushing hug and Louis stood there still looking in bad shape.

“Louis needs to tell you something Payton.” Niall went serious fast and that worried me. I nodded slowly and allowed them in, he stood there and observed.

Sitting down on the couch I took a deep breath. Louis and Niall gave one another looks that I could not read, and finally Louis spoke.

“Payton, what I am about to tell you is true.” Was all Louis said.

I furrowed my eyebrows, what’s wrong? I was now questioning why I let them in, they are in danger while he is here. Niall starred at me with a look of fear which made my insides twist.

What was going on?

Both Niall and Louis looked uncomfortable, “Go on.” Was all I said.

Louis took in a deep breath and ruffled his hair a bit then looked up at me. “Payton, you-there are two of you.” Was what he had said which confused me a ton.

I did not have a twin, I would have known. “I don’t have a twin Louis.” I chuckled trying to lighten the glum mood but it only seemed to make the air thicken.

“No, I mean” Louis paused, “You have a split personality.” Was all he said. What was so wrong with that?

I didn’t understand what he was saying at all, so I have a different personality every does. Louis must have noticed I was lost because he spoke again. “Your second personality isn’t the nicest person. She-She’s murdered people Payton, that’s why you do not remember the murdering because it isn’t your doing in a way. That is why you only remember them like dreams but Payton it’s all you.” Louis paused and let Niall speak forward.

“There is no person you are seeing, it’s all you Payton, think about it Payton.” Flashbacks came to my thoughts and the more I thought the more I understood, but The Boogeyman was still alive, he was real.

A sob came out of my mouth as I fell off the couch, my mother’s death my fathers, it was all me.

I got up ignoring the yells and slammed my door close. I took the teddy bear out from under my pile of stacked pillows and threw it at the wall. It was my brothers, I had taken it when I killed him.

Yells and screams filled my ears, shadows slithered around me making me shake back and forth on the floor. It was all me, I’m a murderer.

You’re just like me Payton.

I sobbed remember what both him and Niall said in my dream.

Killing someone to an insane person is like a dream, killing someone to a normal person is like a nightmare.”

The dreams of the deaths were never nightmares to me, only dreams. I was insane, I thought of the idea of murdering as a dream. A dream was peaceful and calm, compared to a nightmare it’s like heaven.

Join us Payton

The words bounced off the walls the yells from both Niall and Louis were tuned out now. I ran to the closet taking the wood that shut the doors and broke them, opening the closet doors with force. Taking the gun I thought I’d be nervous with such a powerful thing in my hands but I didn’t.

The door slammed onto the ground the noise seemed distant. I looked up at the two, the two people I have yet to kill.

I was grateful that I hadn’t killed them, both Niall and Louis had a life to live. “Payton put it down!” They both screamed, but I smiled as sickly as that sounded.

I knew I might not make to heaven but I just wanted to see my family, and Zayn and Liam. I wanted to make it clear that I was sorry for doing such terrible things, but now that I think about it. Liam saw it coming.

He knew that being my friend was asking for death yet he became my friend and so did Zayn.

I looked up at Niall and Louis, tears streaming down Niall’s face, and Louis was close to breaking. I said two simple words.

“It’s okay.”


That was the night Payton Tills killed herself.


If you didn’t get it, you will understand next chapter.

I know you are shocked and this chapter wasn’t scary and I am sorry for that.

Next chapter is the last chapter.

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