Chapter 1

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Soda and Jenna finally reached the horse barn. It's the same one where Soda used to work at when he was little and has so many memories there.

Soda- (Helping Jenna out of the truck like a gentlemen) Well here we are. My old stomping grounds.

Jenna- (looks around) Whoa! I've never seen a farm this big. (runs up and reads a sign) Soda it says that they are boarding a very valuable horse here.

Soda- Really what kind is it?

Jenna- A chestnut gold quarter horse, why?

Soda- No it can't be......(runs into the barn) Oh My, Jenna COME QUICK IT'S HIM, IT'S MICKEY MOUSE!!!!!!

Jenna- (runs into the barn and looks at Soda with Mickey Mouse) Awww, he's so cute. (pets Mickey)

Soda- Wow he actually likes another person other than me. That's amazing!

Jenna- What do you mean?

Soda- Oh when I worked here I would always ride Mickey and sometimes I would let Darry, Pony, and Blair try to ride him and let's just say that he would always bite Pony and try to kick Darry.

Jenna- I'm afraid to asked, but what about Blair?

Soda- Well you remember that one summer when Blair was in that cast that went all the way up her leg?

Jenna- Yeah?

Soda- (points to Mickey) He had a part in that.

Jenna- Oh my. Well he doesn't look mean.

Soda- Yeah this is the way he usually is to me and apparently to you too. (unlocks the stall and leads Mickey Mouse out of the barn with Jenna Following) The owner said we could ride any horses we want. Now let's ride! (smiles)

Jenna- (confused) Wait where's my horse?

Soda- (points to Mickey) Right here.

Jenna- Then where's your horse?

Soda- (points to Mickey again) Right here. (Smiles one of his reckless grins) I like to ride bareback if that's ok with you.

Jenna- (still confused and in shock) Yeah, I mean it's fine by me.

Jenna climbs up on Mickey and Soda climbs up after her then they start riding down the trail.

Soda- (Hands Jenna the reins) Here you can take the reins. Blair has told me that you're a pretty good rider. (holds on to her waist so he doesn't fall off)

Jenna- (blushes) well, I'm learning how to ride at the horse barn I go to sometimes. (Frowns a Bit) I haven't gone there for a while though. (Shakes her head) But that's not important.

Soda- Oh really? Maybe sometime you could, you know teach me what you know.

Jenna- Yeah maybe. (smiles they continue for a while)

Soda- (points with one hand at a beautiful little creek with a small waterfall and flowers around it) Let's stop here for a second.

Jenna- Ok.

Soda and Jenna get off of Mickey and tie his reins to a tree so he doesn't run away. Then they sit by the creek and they are silent for a second, then Soda says something.

Soda- Hey I have a question. Have you ever dated someone before?

Jenna- (blushes looking at the ground playing with a piece of grass) No, never..............I know you have.

Soda- Yeah, I've dated lots of girls...........but (takes a deep breath) none of them were ever as amazing as you. (leans closer to her and Kisses her gently)

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