ONA•| Chapter 24|•

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"You promise?"

Without a answer, he pressed his lips against mine, a slow and steady pace as my chest began to thump rapidly. Pulling back with a smirk, he replied, "I'll promise you that a million times over."

Giggling like a kid who just got their first bike, I wrap my arms around his neck and begin to kiss him again, scared at the feel of his arms going up the back of my shirt.

Believe it or not, I was still scared of having sex. And yes, I know I'd already done it once before, and with only him, but it was different. It was more in the moment then this one. Unlike last time, I'm in my right state of mind.

"You okay?" he ask before pulling away to look at me again with concern, sensing my unease probably by the way I tensed.

"Yeah I- it's just,-" I stop before sighing and avoiding his eyes in embarrassment, "I'm kind of nervous... And I know it's really stupid and all that I'd be nervous aft-"

He covers my mouth while chuckling, making me look at him with a glare, debating whether to bite his hand or not from stopping my sentence.

Shaking his head, "You don't need to explain anything to me, if you don't feel comfortabl-"

"Ido!" I barely get out, and maybe too persistently as he raised a brow and took his hand off my mouth, making me take in a breath before speaking again.

"I-It's just, I want it to mean something. Not like last time where it was in the moment. I want it to be... something."

Understanding, he smirks before slowly easing back into the kiss that we shared earlier, but it being more gentle and easy. Breaking the kiss, his next words make my pulse pick up in places I couldn't have the desire to say aloud.

"Then let's take it slower this time."

Nodding my head, I help him lift up and discard my large T-shirt. Leaving me in bare chested and only in my underwear, making me instinctively pull my legs up to cover myself. Although all failing when he grabs the backs of my ankles and yanks them back down.

He looks at my chest before looking back at my face. "Please stop that," he says before smirking, making goosebumps rise up at his words, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

He starts trailing his hands down my torso until hooking his hands beneath the side of my lace underwear. "If slow is what you want," he starts before yanking down my underwear, "then it's what you'll receive."

He starts trailing his mouth down my torso. Starting at my neck and moving down my chest to flick my nipple with his tongue, making me gasp at the feeling that stirred below from the sensation. Only for him to continue to trail down and kiss the inner part of my thigh, making me have to be supported by my arms to not fall against the back of the wall.

"A-Adriano, what're yo-"

"Slow, right? Isn't that what you wanted?" He says with a smirk apparent by the feel of his lips near my heat.

"Yes, but..." not really understanding why it was so frustrating for me that I wasn't being touched.

"Then let's do it your way," he says before pulling up my underwear and kissing the warm spot in the middle in my underwear. It felt weirdly stimulating and was confused on what he was talking about.

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