Chapter 4

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The next morning, Aqua rushed off to inform Twilight of her plan. She spent most of the morning scouring the castle, for the black dragon wasn't in her room. As lunch neared, Aqua gave up and concluded that her sister was in the dining room eating her heart out.

When Aqua entered, she immediately scanned the room. No Twilight. Where in the world could she be?

"Aqua! There you are!" A voice exclaimed from behind her. She whipped around and saw Tsunami standing there with a worried expression on his face. "Where were you?"

"What do you mean?" Aqua asked, staring at Tsunami with a blank stare.

"The lesson," Tsunami gestured to the platform. "You know, the one outside?"

A sudden realization hit Aqua like a tidal wave. Tsunami had spoken of a trip outside the castle in his lesson yesterday. She must have forgotten with all the excitement with Twilight.

"Well, come on. We've already delayed long enough." Tsunami swished his tail and strode over to a group of dragons, Aqua on his tail.

Ember was sitting near a bright red and yellow dragon, a scowl present on her face. The pair sat next to a emeraldgreen and muddy brown dragon with a silver choker and scales that didn't sparkle as brightly as the other dragons, and a emerald and light brown dragon with sagging dark brown eyes. The olive green dragon was wagging his tail like a dog, staring at the emerald one intently.

"What are we going to do today, Boulder?" The olive green dragon asked, curiosity making his eyes bright.

"You'll see, Olive. Just be patient, okay?" The emerald dragon said in a kind voice. The impatient look in his eye betrayed that he was getting fed up with his antsy apprentice.

"Okay." Olive's face fell at his mentors' reply. It was easily lifted as he saw Tsunami and Aqua approaching. He jumped to his feet and ran over to the two dragons. "You found her!"

"Actually, she found me." Tsunami laughed. He glanced over at Feather, who was separated from the rest of the group. "We are all ready to go."

"Finally." The bright red dragon growled, heading over to the platform.

"There's no need to be grumpy, Lava." Ember said, sounding like a mother scolding her dragonet.

Lava whipped around and gave Ember the death glare. That was enough to shut her up.

Tsunami leaned towards Aqua. "How have they not killed each other yet?"

"I'm not really sure." Aqua giggled, following the two fire dragons. When the whole group was on the platform, they all took off.

As they were flying, Aqua noticed how nice the day was. The high sun beat on her wings, and the chatter of the birds in the forest below soothed her thoughts. Yet, she couldn't help but wonder where Twilight could be. Maybe she was just wandering the halls. She could have easily missed her.

Suddenly, Aqua thought of another mystery that she wanted to solve. Whirlpool. Who could this mysterious dragon be?

"Are you excited for the lesson today?" Tsunami's voice snapped Aqua out of her thoughts.

"Oh, uh... yeah, I guess." Aqua said awkwardly.

Aqua could feel Tsunami's stare boring on her. She squirmed under her scales, knowing that her mentor knew that something was up. That was the thing about Tsunami. He could always tell when Aqua was lying, even when she thought that she concealed her secrets well enough to go unnoticed.

"There's something on your mind." Tsunami observed.

"How do you know that?" Aqua asked, trying to stall him from finding out what she was thinking about.

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