Chapter 6

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"Twilight! Twilight, WAKE UP!" Talons shook Twilight's shoulders vigorously. The black dragon moaned and pushed away the talons.

"C'mon Twilight, we need to get going." A stern voice hissed.

"Five more minutes." Twilight groaned, covering her eyes with her wings.

Relentless talons grappled onto Twilight and dragged her out of her nest. Twilight squirmed under the dragon's grasp, but she couldn't break free.

"Not five more minutes, now!" The dragon lifted Twilight to her feet and started to the door. Twilight now recognized the dragon as Aqua, an inpatient look on her face. "Feather is right about one thing. You sleep in way too late."

"And that's nothing to be ashamed of." Twilight retorted. Aqua only rolled her eyes in response.

The water dragon led Twilight down the hallway to her room, the door already opened. Twilight stepped inside and instantly spotted a glass jar with an orange-gold powdery like substance inside, and strips of black cloth on Aqua's desk.

"What's this about?" Twilight asked groggily, still blinking away the sleep in her eyes.

"Well, you can't go walking around without a disguise, now can you?" Aqua retrieved the orange powder from the desk and twisted off the lid. A pleasant aroma filled the room, smelling off fire blossoms and honey. The smell seemed familiar somehow.

"Wait, is that Ember's?!" Twilight exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes, but don't worry. She's got hundreds of these things. Ember won't miss it." Aqua dipped her talons into the jar and took a chunk of the powder from off the top. She lightly dabbed the powder onto her sister's back. Her black and silver scales slowly faded into an orange color with golden flecks. The color of Ember's scales.

"Ember puts this on her scales to make them look more sparkly." Aqua said as she continued to paint Twilight's scales with the powder. "Without it, she complains that her scales are dull."

"What a drama queen." Twilight scoffed. "She says she doesn't have enough time to study, yet she does have enough time to make this." Twilight shook her head, chuckling. "Classic Ember."

Aqua worked in silence as she spread the concoction on Twilight's dark scales. When the tedious job was done, Aqua stepped back to snatch the black cloth from the desk.

"Give me your right leg."

Twilight obediently followed Aqua's instructions. The blue dragon took the black cloth and binded it around Twilight's bracelet, tying it off with a tight knot.

"Since you can't take it off, this will hide the bracelet." Aqua took another piece of cloth and wrapped it around her own bracelet.

"If anyone asks, your name is Flame, and your visiting from Ashkenaz Volcano. And stay away from water. It will wash off the powder." Aqua warned, giving Twilight a serious look.

"Okay, okay, I get it. There's no need to worry." Twilight smirked at her sister's concern.

"Is it such a bad thing that I'm worried about you?" Aqua asked, striding to her window.

"No," Twilight replied, following Aqua. "But I'm not a dragonet anymore. I can take care of myself."

"I know." Aqua sighed. She opened the window and perched on it. "Let's go." The water dragon pushed off the window and dove into the trees.

When Twilight was at the edge of the window overlooking the forest, memories of her expedition into the forest flooded back to her. A small smile found it's way into her face as she jumped out of the window. Before she hit the ground, Twilight's wings shot out, slowing her speed. She landed on the grass next to Aqua.

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