2. Alex

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"5 minutes until show time!" The stage manager yelled as I exited the hair and makeup room. Today was going to be the busiest day ever; first I had a commercial shoot for my new TV show, then I had a Victoria's secret bikini shoot, and know I have an interview with Ellen.

"Alex hurry up and get dressed! You have three minutes to get ready, and you don\t want to go out on stage like that! You look horrible!"  Called out my step father, well actually my soon to be step father, he hasn't married my mom yet. "Your stylist laid out an outfit or you to wear, its on the chair.  Uh, the black one with the demin jacket. Make sure to wear those spanks, we don't want those thighs hanging out!" 

I hate my step father! He is always calling me fat and saying that I shouldn't be in this kind of business.

"Yea, OK. Now go so I can change!" I said, hoping to god that he would just leave soon.

"OK Sweetie! Now go hurry up, I just don't want you to mess this up, that's all."

I quickly ran into my dressing room and changed, but ignored the spanks. If I needed them I wouldn't be a model, especially not a Victoria's secret model.

My stylist was great, she always had a really good idea of what I would like to wear. Today she picked out a simple black dress that had two small pockets on the front and a cropped denim jacket. She also picked out a pair of bright purple 4 inch heels. For jewelery she had a pair of brown feather earrings and a diamond ring.

"And were on in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" I walked out of the room just in time to hear the stage manager yell his famous line, and hear all of the applauding and shouting as Ellen made her way down the stairs to her seat, dancing. I was grabbed by a  parade of people and pulled over to the side of the stage, waiting to get called up.

"Are you ready sweetie?" my mum, the most beautiful and nicest person I had ever met stood beside with me with a large smile.

"Yea I think so." I wasn't really sure whether I was actually ready. I know I have been on many other talk shows before, and I had been on award shows too, but this was way more nerve racking then anything else. I just couldn't help think that something was going to go wrong.

"Now it is with great pleasure to welcome one of the biggest, most famous and might I say glamorous, person in Hollywood! Please welcome, Alex Infinity!" I heard a rawr of screaming and clapping, just after I was pushed on stage. A flow a anxiety rushed over me and I felt like I was going to be sick, I had never been this nervous in my entire life, not even when I first did a bikini shoot!

I walked on stage, scared as hell. I tried not to show it, and waved and mouthed the words 'Hi' to everyone in the audience, then looked over at Ellen  as she stood up and welcomed me into a warm, welcoming hug, then motioned for me to sit in the chair next to her.

"Well hi, how are you? You look amazing, just like always Miss Alex!" Oh Ellen, she was already parading me with questions, but I have to hide my nervousness, I can't let the spot light get to me.. again.

"Hi! I'm doing really good, how about you? And might I say you look pretty good yourself!" I said trying to sound as calm as possible while answering her questions.

"I'm doing good! Welcome to the show!" Ellen seemed really nice so far, and my nerves were starting to calm down a little bit.

"Yea, thanks for having me. It's really nice to meet you in person. Finally after staring at my TV for years wishing that I could be here, and now I finally am." I said with a small laugh. It's true I have always wanted to be on the Ellen Degeneres show, it has been one of my life long dreams. When I was a kid I used to watch her show everyday and tell my mum that I was going to be on the show one day and that no one could stop me from getting on it.

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