Good-Bye For Now

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 Surpriseeeee! You guys get a new chapter like speedy gonzales fast! I dont even know why I'm up so late but I guess i heard all of my main 5 readers crying for more! But dont worry you 5 are my favorites for sticking it out with me. I really hope you guys like it and I'm still awaitng that one person to message me or email me to talk to me. I would really love to hear from you guys and hear what you think. I'll stop pushing it whenever someone actully does it. But I have a wedding to attend to tomorrow! Wohhahha wedding crashers! So i better go to bed so I can look my best! I love you guys and I hope you enjoy. By the way my email is! Feel free to contact me about anything I'm here for you all.



Chapter 7

Goodbye for Now

The boys got me and my luggage safely into the big black limo. Liam opened the door for me and told the guys “Lady’s first”. What a gentleman. I had always wanted a guy in my life that would do that for me just once. And it looks like it just happened! The boys followed in after me. I went all the way to the front. I wasn’t feeling too well. Louis sat on my left and Zayn to my right.

“How far away is it?” I asked whoever would answer me.

“About 15 minutes. Why? Are you in a rush?” Louis was the only one who actually answered me.

After reassuring him that I wasn’t in a hurry I placed my face in my hand and rested my arms on my legs. I just needed a minute. My head was pounding, I was stressed and tired. The time change was already getting to me and it didn’t help that I was going to be stuck with a hotel bill at least as much as my old rent and I don’t even have a job yet! Then there was the whole Ricki thing, the biggest thing of all. I just needed to hide everything I did and probably booking that flight was a huge mistake. Maybe he can’t get any information on me since I put down my name and then all my sisters stuff. Then again anything could happen. I just don’t want to be running and hiding all my life. I’ve seen those movies and it does not look fun at all! I don’t think I could kill anyone not even someone who was trying to kill me. God gave me a second chance at life and I am not about to screw it up.

“Love, are you ok?” I looked up to see Liam was talking to me. It took me a minute to comprehend the question.

“Um, no not really. Do you mind stopping? Please.” I didn’t even know what I was doing. I felt like everything was going so fast.

“Driver, please stop.” Liam made the driver stop in a halt. I quickly climbed over the boys and out of the car. I walked past the car into the treed, grassy area. Niall got out, “Do you want me to come?” I turned back and said “No” forcefully. I didn’t feel good and I knew I was about to hurl. There was no way to stop it or choke it down.  All that came out was water and pretzels and that stupid acid that burned like a mofo! My stomach was running on empty now. I heard a squash of leaves behind me. I finished what I was doing then turned around to see a shocked yet helpful Zayn. 

“I said not to come. What…” I turned around and to both of our surprise threw up again. I suddenly felt hands crawl behind my neck and gather all my hair that was dangling by my face. While my hands were perched on my knees bracing myself. He was just standing there having no effect on what was happening. I got goose bumps as he touched my neck. I couldn’t get in a breath of fresh air. As I finished my last hurl, hoping that that was all, I choked and my lungs gasped for air acting like they’ve never had a good breath in their life.

“What exactly are you doing here?” I couldn’t stand this guy. Though he helped me I didn’t like how he always went against what I said to do,

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