Senpai By Day

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I walked down the halls, my skirt bouncing with my steps. I blushed as the perverts watched me go by. All of the boys loved me and hit on me every chance they got, but I just ignored them. I wasn't interested in romance, so cliché.

But then I noticed some one else go by. An opponent. A rival. The school's popular bad guy. Tall, skinny, long dark hair that would have normally gone against  the school's policies but he got away with it. In fact his hole appearance was against the school policy. His skin was pale white, like the snow in Frozen(my favourite movie holla), dark black creases underneath his eyes that could only possibly be emo maekup but then again no one got close enough to get avhood look, and his mouth was the worst. His cheeks were teared to look like a smile, and his lips were a dark red. Like a vampires.

His name was Jeffrey Anderson.

He smirked at me, and I stuck my tongue out at him before flipping him the bird and walking by. Out of the corner of my rare violet eyes I saw that he was shocked and fell over on his feet. Idiot. He didn't expect that at all.


It was late at night, I couldn't believe that I was out at this hour. The only reason I was doing this was because my grandma needed me to grab her medicine at her doctor's for her. Fucking bitch, she's gonna die soon anyway, preventing it wont last long. It wasn't like she did anything for me anyway, she just sat on the couch and complained about my grades. I sighed. I just had to deal with her for one more year and then I'd be out of school and be able to leave that hag to die. I laughed.

It was then that I heard a loud crash coming from the alley next to me. It was dark so I couldn't see anything. Perhaps if I moved in there, I would be able to see what that noise was.... Stepping into the alley, I saw, and oh no was it just awful. I wished that I could erase it from my mind. There was a white hoodied figure, violently stabbing an obviously dead body repeatedly with a sharp kitchen knife. I gasped, which was a huge mistake. The stranger turned to face my, the hood covering his face.

"Well well, who's this? Oh, I know," he hissed, his voice far too familiar for me to not know.

Before I could scream, he charged at me with his blade, his hood flying off.

It was Jeff.

That bastard.

A/N: ONG guys whats gonna happen next??? Stayed tuned for the next chapter xoxo ily


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