6:He, Who Just Wants To Love Her

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Zoya sniffed as she wrapped up Adi's hand. "Dont do things like that" she ordered "You could have got seriously hurt"

Adi tipped up her chin "Zoya, are you crying"

She looked up into his chocolate brown orbs, her heart clenched painfully and she flicked his nose "Yes, you could have got hurt"

Adi's face softened "Oh beautiful, please dont cry for me, I dont deserve your tears, you know I couldnt very well let someone dishonour my woman"

Zoya gulped "Your woman" she questioned

"Yes, thats what you are right" he cupped her cheeks making her blush

Zoya bit into her cheek, she raised her hand, closing his eyes lightly, she leant up, pressing her lips to his "Thank you" she whispered

Zoya went to pull away when Aditya grasped her hips, tugging her onto his lap, he bit into her bottom lip making her hiss, his tounge delved into her mouth while she raised her hands, tugging at his hair

"Zoya" he groaned "The things you do to me" his eyes were alight with desire when he noted her fingers fumbling over his shirt buttons, she bit into his neck, ripping his shirt off, then sucked above his collar bone making Adi throw his head back

Zoya lifted the scarf from the top of the sofa and tied his wrists to the table behind the sofa, she pulled back, a smile on her face "That will teach you for playing games with me Mr Hooda, you didnt think I would really give in that easily did you"

"Zoyaaaaa, this is unfair, come on, you cant leave a man like this"

"Oh, watch me" she stood up, swaying her hips with added exaggeration as she walked away


Zoya returned to the living room an hour later to see Adi had fallen asleep, she crept forward and untied his wrists, his eyes shot open and he tugged her atop him, turning so she was pinned beneath him

She glanced up at him breathlessly "Adi, what are you doing, let go of me"

"But why Zoya, what games am I playing with you, because from what I can see, you're the only one playing games with me"

Zoya gasped "Excuse me, the contract, dont you think I realised it was all just a big joke to make fun of me" her eyes became teary again "I hate that I love you Adi, I really do" her eyes closed, the intensity of his gaze upon her to much to take

Adi pressed his lips to her cheeks, kissing away her tears "Is that what you thought this all was" his voice broke "A way to make fun of you"

She nodded

He took a deep breath, "No Zoya, I would never ever do something like that to you, I just want to keep you with me Zoya, that's all, I feel like a monster, but you're the only person who makes me feel like a man, like im deserving of something"

Her eyes opened slowly, she scrunched up her face, wiggling her nose

"I know I will never deserve you" he continued "But im a selfish man Zoya, and I want you, so badly that just the thought of you being far makes my heart ache"

With a muffled sob, she raised her body so her lips would meet his "Staying with you is the perfect way to break my heart, but everytime I consider leaving, you give me hope that one day you'll love me like I love you"

Adi sat up, pulling her into his arms, he stroked her hair "I want to, I want to try and love you Zoya"

Zoya gripped onto his shirt "If you dont love me now, you never will, but just like you want me, I want you, and if you cant give me love, fine" she grabbed his hand, resting it atop her head "But swear, that you will always be mine, even if you cannot love me, your heart can never belong to anyone else"

"You have my word" he lifted her up "Now, lets sleep" he kissed her forehead

Zoya froze as Adi wrapped his arm around her waist, tugging her back against his chest. She raised her hand, holding on tightly to her mangalsultra.

Adi burrowed his nose into her hair and inhaled, "Thats what I love about you, you always smell so good, I just cant get enough of you" he jolted awake fast, making Zoya look up at him with a flash of concern in her eyes

"You okay Adi"

His face paled and he shuffled back "Zoya, who, you, who is the woman I cant remember"

Zoya paused, then shrugged "I, I wouldnt know"

He frowned, switching on the light "Why cant I remember her Zoya, please just tell me"

"I cant Adi, I cant"

"Yes, you can, now tell me why I cant remember her"

Zoya took an uneasy breath "You both were in a car accident, you lost your memory" she awaited for his reply, dumbstruck as he turned back to her with a tormented look in his eyes

"Is she, is she dead Zoya"

"No" she exclaimed "No of course not, she's alive"

"Then who is she, please Zoya, I get these stupid flashbacks but they're never enough"

Zoya shrugged again "The pressure will be to much on your brain, I have no idea how you'll react, I can't say, im sorry"

Adi rolled onto his side, away from Zoya "Fine, dont tell me, but youre doing me more harm than good"

"You and me both" she pulled the blanket over her body, silent tears rolling down her cheeks before she felt his arm wrap around her waist again, he pressed a kiss to her shoulder

"Sorry Zoya, sorry, please don't cry, you're breaking my heart, I didnt mean to upsett you, im just so stressed out is all, I just want to know and I know it can't be easy hearing me say I love someone else, but I think I can't move on until I have answers, but that doesnt mean I will leave you, please dont cry beautiful" he pleaded

"Im sorry Adi, I want to tell you, but the last time I did, you passed out and ended up in hospital, I cant risk that again"

Adi nodded "I know baby, I know, sometimes the heart wants what it wants"

Zoya's stomach flipped, oh if only he knew that she was already in his arms, already his, already madly in love with him. But maybe just for now this would have to be enough, because in some way, he loved her to, even if he didnt know it yet.


Adi opened the drawer, "Where is it, where is the file" he groaned as he knocked a picture onto the floor, he picked it up, his eyes widened as the picture of him and Zoya when they were younger. The way she looked at him made his head hurt, had she always loved him and he had just never realised, never known?



"Tell me honestly, how long have you loved me for"

Zoya turned around slowly "Since we were 12" she smiled

"And in all this time, I never loved you back, you're telling me I didnt see you as the beautiful woman you are, that I didnt reciprocate any of those feelings" he asked, astonished

"Hm, not exactly, there was a time, where you reciprocated" she zipped up her suitcase, leaning back against the bed

"I loved you once" he asked, wanting to clarify

"Id like to think so" she smiled "But anyway, can you put this suitcase above the cupboard"

"What's in it" his brows furrowed

"Old clothes I dont wear anymore" she watched as he lifted it, putting it above the cupboard, he turned back to face her "Dont forget Zoya, tonight is the night we kick in the third clause of the agreement"

Zoya nodded slowly "Oh, I forgot" she laughed

Adi raised a brow, crossing his arms "Yeah Zoya, im sure you did"

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