Part 12: He, Who Got Her In The End

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Adi pulled Zoya behind him slowly. "Rajveer, this doesnt have to be"

"No, you shut up, its my time to talk, I was about to marry the woman I have loved for many years, and yet you ruined it, you just had to get yourself in an accident, do the right thing and return her to me" Rajveer spat

"Look, I just got married, I really dont feel like arguing with you today, just leave Rajveer, I dont want to be your enemy, I understand why you would love someone as great as Zoya, she is easy to love, but she is also mine" Adi stepped forward, holding out his hand

Rajveer grabbed Adi's hand, tugging him forward, his hand tight around Aditya's "I want nothing more than to finish you right now, I wish to claim back what is truly mine" he dropped his hand "But the truth is, she will never look at me the way she looks at you" he bowed his head before stepping back. "Goodbye Zoya". Then, he was gone

Zoya smiled in relief "Aw, there was me thinking I was going to get to see you fight for me"

Adi whipped around fast "Oh im sorry, you want me to bring him back"

Zoya scrunched up her face "Na, im hungry, maybe another time" she poked her tounge out before grabbing his hand and dragging him along, he shook his head as she did so but followed her anyway


Adi pulled Zoya onto the sofa beside him "So"

"So" she relaxed into his hold, wrapping one of his arms around her waist

"We have done two marriages, two breakups, im thinking two is our lucky number" he winked, pulling her closer "So, its only right that we have two kids"

Zoya nodded "Yeah, I agree, we will get a dog as one kid, because the other kid is you"

Adi gasped, his jaw dropping "What do you mean, I am not a child, and I dont want a dog, I want two babies, our babies"

Zoya shook her head slowly "Hm, I dont know, why do you want two children"

"Ah you see I want one little girl, she will have your smile and wear her hair in pigtails, and she will call me papa, and whatever she asks for I will give her, and then I will have two beautiful women in my life, the other will be a boy, because I know you want a little boy" he looked at Zoya dreamily

Zoya smiled back "You've really thought it all through, I didnt even know you wanted children"

"I have always wanted children, I just didnt tell you, even when I lost my memory, I always knew you would be a good mother, and in all honesty just the thought of you being a mother to someone else's children never settled well with me" he admitted

"Like I was ever going to be with anyone else, for me it was always going to be you, I never had a choice in it, it was just you as the ovbious choice, clear as crystal, I couldnt ever love anyone like I love you"

Adi stood up, pulling Zoya with him, "Then we best get started on this future plan of ours"

Zoya giggled as Adi picked her up, spinning her around. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms firmly around his neck as his lips pressed against hers, first softly, then with more force.

"You know I love you right" Adi muttered as he trailed kissed down her throat, stopping at her collar bone

Zoya swallowed, trying to focus on his words rather than his actions. "Yes, and I love you to" her eyes opened slowly, twinkling as she glanced at him, this was happiness, the happiness she had wanted for so long. No one would ever be able to make her as happy as Adi did, for once in a long time she felt content.

Adi smiled up at her "Im sorry it took me so long to realise that you were right before me the whole time" his hands gripped her waist, as he spoke

"That's okay, you're silly, and I wouldnt have you any other way" she laughed, poking her tounge out

"And you're beautiful" he smiled, nipping at her earlobe before pressing his body into hers as he kissed her again, then before she could speak, he placed her atop the bed and climbed ontop of her, a misvhevious glint in his eyes "May this be the wedding night you've always dreamed of, oh and dont forget, two is the lucky number" he winked


Zoya pulled the sheet over her body, turned slightly and snuggled in closer to Adi. The night had been better than her expectations, all was right in the world for once, because they had eachother and though she knew there would still be bumps in the road, they had eachother by their side to get through whatever came

Adi kissed her hair, then released a happy sigh. "You know, when your father first approached me about marrying you, I was kind of taken away"

Zoya lifted her head slightly "Why"

He laughed, rubbing his hand across his chin "Well Zoya, you're very attractive, and of course I was very attracted to you, it made me wonder why you would even be interested in me, I guess thats why I started calling you beautiful, but then the nickname stuck because, you were also beautiful on the inside, all your beliefs, your morals and values, your soul was beautiful, and everytime I look at you, I always feel my chest tighten because you're so beautiful in every way, so yes it started off as just a physical attraction, you know the baseline kind of attraction, but then it grew to become this attraction of your mind, your soul and just everything about you"

Zoya leant up, kissing his lips "I think it was the same for me, before the crash, when you first asked to take me out on a date, I think I pinched myself like ten times to ensure I wasn't dreaming, because you were so attractive, but as time went on, I realised just how easy loving you was, of course the attraction is still there, but our love is one of second chances after mistakes and thats what makes it so special, because our love has taught me that baseline attraction may be the start of something special, but it can never be the end when its meant to be" she breathed out

"I love you beautiful" Adi whispered

"And I love you silly" Zoya replied

Hi everyone, first of all I would really like to apologise for the updates being so extremely late. I became very busy, then was caught in a fire, but am okay now, well on the road to being okay anyway. I am pretty free now until August time, so updates will be much more frequent.

This story is now complete, thank you for everyone who took the time to read it and finish that story with me, all the love was majorly appreciated! I know it didnt have many chapters but I think it was only meant to be a short story.

If you are interested in any of my other AdYa stories, they have all also been updated and the summary of each can be found below;

The Contract-
Zoya Siddiqui is trying to put her life back together after her husband's death. 
But when Aditya Hooda barges into her life with the intent to do his job, will she ever be able to change his mind or will she end up just like the rest?

Love As Red As Blood-
Zoya and Aditya were brought together in the worst possible way, did their partners cheat? And who's the Serial Killer murdering people with the drop of a hat? COMPLETE- 28 Parts

Love As Red As Blood 2-
Season 2 of Love As Red As Blood. With all new twists, mysteries and enemies. 
Zoya and Aditya are on the run from Rajveer, the police force and the entire city. While trying to prove their innocence and stay alive will they find they share a chemistry neither of them realised or will the happenings around them slowly tear them apart? 

Hamari Adhuri Kahaani (OS)-
Zoya and Aditya learn to share their pain. COMPLETE- 1 Part

Not His Type Of Woman-
Finding love has never been easy for anyone, especially Zoya Siddiqui who has decided to fall for the handsome, chauvinistic billionare who hires her to be a server at a prestigious event. Can she find love with the man who she believes is out of her league or will she always just be the girl that isn't his kind of woman? 

Demon's And Daisies- 
Zoya is trapped in a relationship with a man who offers her nothing but abuse, can a chance encounter with Aditya save her before she decides to do the unthinkable? 

BaseLine Attraction #AdYa 16+Where stories live. Discover now