making friends with the new kid

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jayden chance p.o.v.

I was sitting on my bed after just another boring day of school. i had run across the new kid who seemed to be nice to everyone. i am gay but everyone thinks im bi because they think that i might still get married to a girl. i just cant get the guy out of my head. he a little shorter than me he had muscles but not as big as mine. he had piricing green eyes and long blond hair. he is in all of my classes and he sits beside me in all of them to considering my best friend john and i always talk and have fun. i cant wait for tomorrow so i can talk to him but as for now im going to shower and go to bed. as soon as my head hits the pillow im out.

I wake up to my little sister screeching "get up get up" as soon as she shuts up someone comes in and pours a bucket of ice on me. i jump up from the bed and scream "i dont want to be hypothermic like your heart bitch" my sister laughed and said "bitch please its not my heart its a little something else if your catching my drift"  i laughed and said "so its that gotta get laid syndrome" my mom scowls and walks out my dad laughes and sister smirks.waking me up in the morning is always a hard task and usually funny so everyone watches i walk to the bathroom brush my teeth put on clothes do my hair and head downstairs. i walk in the kitchen eat breakfast grab my bookbag and screams to my annoying sister "guess who's gunna be walking" then i smirk as she sticks her head out the bathroom door gaping then i scream "you are" and walk out. as i drive i see the new guy so i stop and ask "do you need a ride to school?" he nods and says "yes please " i park and unlock the doors he hops in the front and throws his bag in the back. "your new to the school arent you" i say dumbly he nods and says "it that obvious and i happen to have a name which isnt you infact it happems to be to be vincent mchardey" and smirks i nod my head and then say "are you gay cause you look like it" he looks shocked and his mouth is hanging open and his eyes bugging and then i continue "i like that your cute and im bi" he looks a little relieved then says "yeah i am and i have a boyfriend sike but you could be him" with a smirk then hops outta my car and leaves his bag i get mine out with a smirk and catch up to him then say "arent you forgetting something and ill take you up on that offer after we get to know each other but we can do that during class im ahead anyway so it dosent matter to me and you can spend the night at my house if you arent afraid of being raped" and hand him his bookbag then i look at his face and then i burst out laughing and then he pouts i say "i wass kidding about the rape part you know but it wasnt a joke with the rest" he was gapping and i had walked off then he started chasing me so i jogged and he caught up with me so i ran into the classroom and he tackled me and i turned us over and said "think you can win so easily" he smirked and said "yeah pretty much considering im winning" and flipped us over then i said "really cause that's not what it looks like to me" and flipped us over again he flipped us and said "admit i won" i said "no but you can surrender" and flipped us over and then the teacher yelled "boys if you dont get off the floor right now i will send you to the office" i smirk and whisper "do you wanna meet the principal" he shakes his head so i get up and stick out my hand he grabs it and pulled me down then whispered "buti liked that position" i chuckle and get up then pull him up with me. the teacher glares at us. i smirk and then pull out my chair and sit. the teacher goes on with her pointless lesson and me and vincent whisper back and fourth. i glance at the clock and put my stuff away looka again then get up and walks to the door the teacher says sit down the bell rings and i yell "thats my cue" then i run with vincent right on my trail i run in the bathroom and hide vincent keeps running. i walk out and run to my class the vincent jumps out of nowhere and follows everyone is there exept us i burst through the door and stop walking then vincent runs into my back i smirk and say "paybacks a bitch vince" this class goes pretty much the same and i bolt out first again as soon as the bell rings and head to the gymnasium. i go and dress out then come out of the locker rooms and hide behind the janitor  soon vince walks in and gets gym clothes then goes and dresses out then he walks to the coach and asks where i am the coach is smiling vince is smirking then jogging to the janitor and i run from behind him and to then across the court and keep running til coach blows the whistle and tells me to come to him the same time nodding at vince who tackles me then tells me the same thing "paybacks a bitch jay" i whisper in his ear "so are you that why your my bitch" he turns bright red allowing me to flip us over and then i get up after winking he stares at me jaws dropped soon gym is over and we go to lunch and the classes go the same then we go our seperate ways. the week goes on pretty much the same and uneventfully until friday when i ask vince if he wanna stay the night with me and then take him to his house and get clothes. i walk in with vince and he yells "mom im staying at a friends." a girley voice yells "hold on a minute honey i wanna say bye to you" then vince yells "you just did." i laughed and soon a lady was down the stairs she saw me and said to vince "thats your friend that you forgot to mintion looks like a jock and he looks hot is he your boyfriend" i laugh and vince says "no" with a blush i smirk and say "not yet anyway" vince blushes and grabs his bag and puts it in my car. his mother glares at me then says "if you hurt my baby i will personally rip off your balls and put them in my showcase" i frown then say "what makes you think i would hurt him and you wont be having any 'trophies' anytime soon and you make good threats" putting quotations on the trophies then she asks "are you outta the closet" i say "kinda kinda not" then she frowns and says "what" i smile at her confusion "everyone knows i like guys but they think i like girls to they think im bi when im really gay but i have a reputation to keep i mean not that it matters but you only live once so imma make the fullest of my one life you know " she sighs and then says "thats deep" i say "you know in school theres the judge the jury and the litigator all of them have a job but i say fuck all of them" then vince walks in and gives his mom a hug along with my hug then i whisper "guess thats my cue to leave its a shame though cause your nice and sweet but only vince gives me cavity's well for him i have a sweet tooth but anyway uhmm i ugh love? you bye" she chuckles and says bye then we leave

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