Chapter 21

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It's been a day since Namjoon got mad at the three, and no one has heard from him since then.

Y/N has stayed strangely quiet during that time, and it's causing the members to worry.

Everyone (except Namjoon and Hoseok) sat at the dinner table as Jin past out the food.

He looked at Y/N as he made her a plate.

"Y/N, do you want any potatoes to eat?" He said softly.

Y/N sat with her head down. She shook her head and sunk deeper into her chair.

Yoongi stood up abruptly. "Jin. We need to talk." He said, more commanding than asking.

Jin frowned.

"Yoongi I'm sure it can wait until we're done eating together."

Yoongi stared at Jin, communicating through eye contact. Jin frowned and threw a quick glance at Y/N before looking back at Yoongi.

He placed Y/N's plate in front of her then walked out of the room with Yoongi.

"What's wrong?"

The two made sure they were a good enough dostance away from the kitchen, so the others couldn't hear.

"It's Y/N... before Namjoon came in and got mad at her.. I think I scared her and she said something.." Yoongi's expression went to one of anger.

"What did she say?" Jin stepped closer to Yoongi.

Yoongi told Jin everything that Y/N had said and done. Jin listened intensely, then his face contorted in anger.

His hands went to fists. "Who would dare hurt her like that!?" He screamed, but Yoongi quickly covered his mouth to keep him quiet.

"Maybe one of her parents."

Jin shook his head. "They wouldn't- They're her parents! She loves them."

Yoongi frowned.

"Just because someone loves another person doesn't mean that person isn't doing them harm."

Jin pushed Yoongi off and began walking back to the kitchen. Yoongi followed silently, wondering what Jin was doing.

Jin walked over to Y/N and smiled sweetly. He held out his arms and gently picked her up when she reached out for him.

"Come on.. I wanna do something okay?" He spoke softly. Y/N nodded.

Jin made eye contact with Jungkook and Taehyung, responding in them standing to follow him. Finally, he turned to Jimin.

"Jimin, go inform Namjoon I will be on my way to talk to him soon."

Jimin frowned and got up.

"Okay.." he said as he walked off to find Namjoon.

Jin carried Y/N to his bedroom, and the other three followed. When he walked in, Y/N was surprised. She'd never been in Jin's room before. (I think?). It had a lot of medical and scientific equipment in it.

The sight of the needles in the room made Y/N's skin crawl. She began to panic, squirming in Jin's arms.

Jin looked at Yoongi and he got the message. Yoongi packed up the needles and put them away in a drawer.

Taehyung closed the door and they all found a place to sit.

Jin placed Y/N down and smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Alright.. Y/N I'm just going to give you a little check up okay? It will only take a minute..."

Y/N nodded, her shoulders relaxing.

Jungkook handed Jin a stethoscope, then stepped back into the corner of the room to observe.

Jin turned Y/N around.

"Alright, I'm going to check your heartbeat. So I'll have to lift your shirt okay?"

Y/N nodded and smiled a little at the cold feeling of the metal stethoscope on her back.

Jin lifted the back of her shirt, observing her back. He spotted something and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yoongi, Can you come take a look at this?" He asked.

Yoongi nodded and walked over, taking a look.

There was a scar, the length of a pencil, across the whole of Y/N's back.

Yoongi ran his hand across the mark as he spoke, "What's this mark?"

His voice was softer than any of the boys have heard before.

Jungkook stood watching everything. He felt anger burning deep inside him. Would Y/N's parents ever do something like that to her? How could they...

Y/N frowned and pulled away from both of the boys.

"I don't want to talk about it.."

Jin frowned and nodded.

"Alright. There's nothing wrong with that."

Yoongi stepped in. "Y/N, you can tell us anything. What are those marks?"

Y/N backed away.

Jin frowned. "Yoongi drop it."

"No. I won't drop it. Y/N. Who did this to you." Yoongi stepped closer.

Before Yoongi could reach Y/N, Jin stepped in front of him.

Everyone got into an argument at once, even Jungkook was involved.

Then the shoving began.

Y/N felt her eyes water as she slowly slipped out of the room.

Her vision was blurried by the tears in her eyes and she wandered down the hall. Y/N found herself at a door and opened it. It was the front door.

Y/N looked behind her to make sure no one was behind her then slowly walked out of the house. She was already shivering.

"They will be happier without me here..." she murmured, sniffling.

With that said, she took off in a sprint down the sidewalk, wearing nothing but pajamas. She wasn't even wearing  shoes.

She was unaware of the person following.


This is such a depressing chapter... sorry... but hey! It's a long chapter so... yay???

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