Abby's Story

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At the age of 3, my aunt Mary realized I was something special. She had a toy piano that I always played with. As I played with it, I didn't just hit the keys, I actually played it into an organized tune. Mary brought me to a doctor to get me tested for any types of autism. Usually, Autism can result in this type of behavior.

The doctor concluded that I had Aspergers, a type of autism. People with Aspergers may experience anger, anxiety, apprehension,
depression, intense interest in a limited number of things, learning disability, nightmares, or sensitivity to sound. But another thing most people may not know, is that these people are usually very intelligent. While they are intelligent they can have problems learning during class. They are best at self-teaching.

My aunt wasn't upset or saddened by this news. She actually took it fairly well. I was her special niece, and that is all that she cared about.

Later that same day, my aunt checked my house to see if my parents were there, drunk. They were so she did not leave me with them as she knew I would be abused by my intoxicated mother and father.

I had an older brother named Thomas but he died in my mother's womb. I wonder why. Honestly, I'm surprised that she didnt drink me to death either.

Now half the time I live at my parents house, the other half at my aunt's. The only times I stay at my aunt's house is when it gets really bad. Most of the time I can suck it up and deal with it.

At the moment I am 14. I was born on July 1st, 2003. I just completed my freshman year of high school and summer vacation has just begun. This is usually the worst time for me because my parents don't really work. If they do, I have no idea what they do. This means they are always home. Usually I sneak out of my window and walk over to my aunt's. I'm glad that she is always home because she is self-employed. My aunt Mary is the only person in this world that I trust.

School wasn't the easiest for me either. Kids bullied me. Not just because of my autism, but because of all the bruises splattered along my body like a canvas. Things like, "Man your parents must be really strong using you as their punching bag.", "Damn, you are so loved." and, "Hey sticks and bones, why don't you just kill yourself and save everyone the hassle", are some of the most common things I hear. And no, I am not planning on killing myself. That would ruin Mary and my life truly isn't that bad. I've lived with this for 14 years, I can handle a few more.

My way to escape from all of the negativity was through music. Music has always spoken to me, like another language that only I can understand. It allows me to be myself. I can play the clarinet, flute, drums, piano, trumpet, trombone, french horn, tuba, bag pipes, organ, violin, bass, viola, cello, and the guitar. Teachers just make me angry so I teach myself. There is not necessarily anything wrong with the way the  teacher teaches, they just don't understand that I'm further ahead than they  think. The only instrument I needed help with was the bag pipes. I used youtube for the basics then learned the rest on my own. I dropped the bag pipes after a week of playing them because they are abnoctiously loud.

“Without music, life would be a mistake” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

This is me-

A bit more ratty with bruises 🙃---

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A bit more ratty with bruises 🙃

Thank you guys so much for reading and please add this to your library. Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks my babes! And remember, suicide is never the answer. You may not think it but there is someone that cares for you. And hey, if you are going through some troubles, just dm me! Im so up for making a new friend and helping prevent some "bad things" from happening. Love you all so much! Bu-bye!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2018 ⏰

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