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The man walking down the street looked like he belongs as one of the zombie cast members on The Walking Dead. His body looked as though his flesh was dripping right off of him with only what looks like the remains of a tattered and burned super suite clinging desperately to his flesh.
His face didn't look any better. With a mouth hanging open like he was desperately in need of air, eyes glued wide looking like he saw some an unfashionable horror, and half a nose remaining on the poor man's face.

With every step he took, he paused for a moment before daring to take the next step. He had no idea how long he had been "walking" but to him it felt like an eternity. Felling like the more steps he took, the farther the end line seem to go. Wherever this end line is or was, one could argue that he himself didn't know.

Out of breath, the man stumbled into the corner of a building and cling to the sharp edge like it were the only thing keeping him alive. This was not the first time he was caught in a near death situation, but this was the first time he actually thought he was going to die, for what little power he had could not keep him alive forever.

After sometime catching his breath, he was able to take another step. At first he was fine when he took his first two steps across the alleyway. But on his third step his left leg began to wobble, causing him to fall halfway into the alleyway.

His exposed side and left arm hit the concrete with a noticeable thud. Unable to get up do to the feeling of burning and oncoming pain, the man decided to stay on the ground, fighting some tears that were about to take form.
This was the first time in a long time that the man felt weak. Hopeless.

All the heroics that he had done in the past felt meaningless. All the kind acts and gestures he did with his fellow heroes won't help him in this predicament. All the memories of jokes and laughter can't help him either.

Then anger kicked in. The thought of betrayal by his fellow heroes annoyed him, but the actual act of betrayal enraged him. "How long were they plotting this?" He thought.
Eventually the anger, unknowingly, helped the former hero get back on his feet. He took three more steps before grabbing hold to another building's corner in exhaustion.

His body began to shake. He started to take deep breaths before letting go of the building and taking another five steps before tripping and landing a few inches away from a street. He mutter something incoherent before struggling to pull himself back up.

Unable to get back on his feet, the hero reluctantly decided to get into a sitting position.
"Here sits the once great "Lawman", The hero who could shoot at anything and anyone with a 100% accuracy. Burned, bruised, and disfigured" The hero thought to himself.

The former hero let out a deep sigh before falling on his back. Looking up at the starry night sky, he could help but wonder why. Why the betrayal? Why the secrecy? Why him?

As soon as the adrenaline died down, the pain came back.
The former hero grabbed his sides and let out an ear blistering scream. It was getting worst.

Shivering, shaking, and clinging onto dear life was all he could do. And just when he's eyes started to close and when he thought that the end has come, a dark figure standing over him looks down at him.
The figure, resembling a man in a brown business suite and wearing sunglasses tilted it's head a few times before crouching next to him.

The last words he heard before blacking out was "I always knew you were going to bite the bullet. Eventually."

Hero Turned VillainWhere stories live. Discover now