Chapter 1

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Author Note I hope you enjoy the story. Izuku's quirk in the story is Reality Override which allows him to alter reality and change the fabrics of time and space but he can only use it once a day so it's kind of a trump card. Example of how the quirk works is with a snap of his fingers, he can revive a dead person to life, he can make someone immortal and he can destroy a planet with his quirk. He also has incredible intellect and physical abilities. He also uses weighted clothing. He was also born in Japan but lived in America when he was five years old. He can also fourth wall break but he kind of hates it. He is also friends with the principal of UA. So let's begin.

Midoriya POV
"Home sweet home." I say to myself as I am standing in front of UA high about to take the entrance exam. I was about to go in but I felt my spider-senses tingling. I turn around and saw a girl about to trip so I ran to her to stop her from falling. I said to her "You know, it's bad luck if you fell, right." As I then say with a smile "Nice to meet you." She blushes and says " Thank you for saving me." I replied "That's what a hero does." I then walked inside the building and saw a familiar face. It was none other than Katsuki Bakugou. He was a childhood friend but I had to live in America with my dad but I came back because my dad passed away and my mom wanted me to live with her. I can tell that he doesn't recognize me yet. 'You may not know but I am already a hero because I completed a mission given to me by the government so I have a license and I became a hero that is well-known not just at America but also in other countries. You may not have known it so I broke the fourth wall but I will never do it again. I hope'.

(TIMESKIP after the written exam and orientation of Present Mic)
I was at Testing Ground B and I thought 'Maybe I should go wild' until I heard a 'GO' from Present Mic. I went quickly to find some robots as he says to the other applicants "What are you guys waiting for, you have 15 minutes left. Move, that guy already has 26 points." Once they heard it, they rushed immediately as I chuckled at their reaction as I think to myself with pride ' Maybe I shouldn't go wild so that they have a chance.' as I ran to find some more robots.

(TIMESKIP for 13 minutes)
I now have 100 points and searched for some more robots until I heard the ground shaking as I turned and saw a zero pointer but my hero instincts say that I should find if there are people there that are hurt or stuck, so I looked around and saw Uraraka stuck and about to be crushed by the giant robot. I knew I had to save her so I rushed immediately and upper-cutted the robot as it flew to the sun. The other students were shocked because I destroyed the robot. I then landed and asked if she was okay. She said " Thanks again for saving me but my ankle hurts" until an old woman a.k.a. Recovery Girl said "Oh dear. What happened?" I said " Just heal her." As she kissed her forehead and the sprain healed. I left knowing that I saved someone today.

(TIMESKIP after the exam and receiving the acceptance letter)
I am now entering UA since I got accepted for having 100 villain points and 60 rescue points. I am also studying at class 1-a. I went in the classroom and saw many people staring at me. While they were staring at me, I quickly analyzed and inspected each student to find out their names, quirks and weaknesses. I ignored the stares and sat at my desk until a blue-haired guy approached me and said "Hey, you're the guy that save the girl from that zero point robot with a single punch. You have understood the exam while I have not. I'm Tenya Iida by the way. Nice to meet you." "I'm Izuku Midoriya" as we did a handshake. The girl that I saved named Uraraka told me "You're that guy that saved me. Thanks a lot. I said to her "That's what a hero does.". Then a man with an annoyed tone says "If you're here to make friends, I suggest that you leave." silence occurred as the man says "It took all of you 30 seconds to shut up. I am Aizawa Shota, your homeroom teacher. " He hands us something that looks like a PE uniform as he says groggily "Wear these and go outside.

(TIMESKIP outside 3rd person POV)
The class arrived as Aizawa then says" We're having a quirk assessment test." Uraraka asks "But what about the ceremony aren't we going to miss it? Aizawa-sensei then says " We're heroes, we don't have time with those kind of things." He throws me a ball and says "Midoriya, you have the highest score at the entrance exam, what is your score at the ball throw in middle school?" Izuku says bluntly "A mile." Everyone except Aizawa shouts "WHAT!!! A MILE!!! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!!!" Izuku says "It's a secret." Aizawa says "Now use your quirk." Izuku throws the ball with 50% of my strength.(with the weights) As the ball flew it went faster than the speed of light and went back in time as Izuku prepared to catch the ball and caught it. As the robot says "47,819,092,026,639,173,274,523,630,624,273,421,839,070,839,531 kilometers" They all yelled " OH MY GOD!!! " Then a pink girl with horns said with joy "It looks fun!!" Aizawa says with a bit of annoyance "Fun? Then how about this, whoever gets last place gets expelled." Everyone except for Izuku says "WHAT!! EXPELLED!! THAT'S NOT FAIR FOR THE FIRST DAY!!" Izuku says with boredom "Life ain't fair so deal with it." After that they started the tests which Izuku dominated each test, except the ball throw because Uraraka got an infinity. The others all thought the same thing 'This guy is out of this world!!'. Aizawa then showed the results which was Izuku being first and Minoru Mineta as last place. Aizawa then said "The whole expulsion thing was a lie. It was just a ruse to give it all you've got." Mineta sighed in relief as I expected this to happen. Then a pony-tailed girl said " Of course it was a lie. It should have been obvious if all of you had just thought it through. " Izuku then replies with sarcasm " Wow! Aizawa-sensei. This is very rare because I thought you would have at least expelled one of us here. " Uraraka asks " What do you mean? " Izuku says with a bit of shock " You don't know him! He's The Erasure Hero, Eraserhead. But I guess you wouldn't know since he hates being in TV and would do anything to avoid it. He also expelled an entire class last year because he thought that they don't have potential to be a hero. But really, there were 15,7 09 ways of what will happen in this test and 10 of which will result of Mineta being expelled and 500 of which Yaoyorozu wouldn't tell us how she knew it was a lie. I know this will happen because I calculated it." As they were shocked as the ponytailed girl thought ' Maybe, I should research him. ' as a bi-colored haired boy thought ' I thought this year would be boring but I was wrong.' After that school went by normally as Izuku went home as he walked with Uraraka and Iida since they became best friends.

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