Chapter 3

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Midoriya POV
I woke up early, ate my breakfast and went to school. I arrived and saw that no one was here so I sat down and waited for the others to come. They arrived as Aizawa said "we will go to USJ. Wearing your hero costumes are optional and don't be late or the bus will leave. " We nodded as we went to change and headed to the bus and sat. It was normal until Asui said to me "Midoriya, what is your quirk?" I replied seductively "I'm afraid I can't tell you that Asui dear." She blushes as she said "Ok. C-call me Tsu" I said to her "Okay Tsu-chan." as her face grew redder. I asked her with concern "Are you ok Tsu-chan, because it looks like you're having a fever." She replies "I-i'm okay Midoriya-chan." I then said "Okay Tsu-chan, but if I'm calling you Tsu-chan then you should call me Izu-kun." She agrees as Aizawa sensei says "We're here." We went down and were greeted by pro hero 13. He gave us a speech about how dangerous our quirks are and that we should use it wisely and let us in until my spider-senses are tingling as a dark mist appeared and grew as a villain with hands all over him says "Where is All Might? He was supposed to be here. Well, let's just kill some kids to draw him out." This enraged me as I said to Iida "Iida, please inform the heroes. Use it to save us." He hesitantly agreed as he ran out. I said to Aizawa-sensei " Sensei, let me fight." He says "Be careful." I say to the villains "You all have 5 seconds to leave or We will be the last thing you'll ever see." The hand villain said "You're pretty bold kid." I replied "Five seconds over. It's your impending doom." I then said with intimidation "Secret Technique, Run Away!!" As I ran outside. They stood in there with shock as the hand guy said "What a coward". Once I was out side, I changed into my real costume (the costume is like from the manga as shown below

 Once I was out side, I changed into my real costume (the costume is like from the manga as shown below

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and rushed to the top of USJ. Once I was at the top, I jumped in and and broke the roof to make a dramatic entrance. I broke it and landed.(Kurogiri didn't teleport the others) They were shocked as the villains asked "WHO ARE YOU?!" I replied "Seriously, you don't know me, I've been doing this for five years and Japan doesn't know me. Very Well. I am a hero from America and saved people in many countries. I am called the beacon of hope, Ultra and now, come at me!"
The villains said "No way, it's the green god, Ultra" The hand guy said "No,no,no! This wasn't suppose to happen!" I replied "I am here to become the number one hero to prove that no matter what Justice will be served at any where, anytime and on anyone. That is my goal" the villains were shocked but the hand guy said "Attack him, you're outnumbered Ultra." I replied "The strength of Ultra lies in everyone around him be it good or bad." The hand guy asked "What do you mean?" "It means you lose! as I rushed to him and knocked out every villain in my way. I punched the hand guy in the face as he yelled "NOUMU!! KILL THAT GUY!!" as the Noumu rushed to punch me but I blocked his punch as I said "Noumu Smash!" As I punched him so hard it went to the sun as I said "You're next!" pointing to the hand villain as he yelled "No,no,no! You cheated! Kurogiri, we're leaving as I said "You're lucky that I have mercy and that the plot will be empty if you were caught." as they disappeared. I was met with gazes of awe as everyone (except Iida, Uraraka and Bakugou) said "Are you a new hero?" I replied "No. I am The Beacon of Hope Ultra and I am here to show everyone that a hero will always be there. I am well-known in many countries and think of Japan as a stepping stone to achieve my purpose and I gotta say, those guys are pretty weak to what I've seen in America but I also came here to see my idol." They asked "Who?" I replied "You'll know soon enough" as All Might arrived "DO NOT FEAR FOR I AM HERE!" He said as he landed and I said "Too Late All Might. I cleaned the mess." As I ran outside with the speed of Mach 20. I ran back with my normal costume and said "What happened, here?" As they said "A lot." I replied "OK". Later on, Iida came back with more heroes but the conflict has already been resolved as Principal Nezdu asked" Did you do this All Might, Aizawa, 13?" As they said "No. It was some hero named Ultra" as Principal Nezdu said "Oh, him. He is a good guy and wants to help others with a fearless smile. He is also a friend of mine." "Really!?" The heroes asked. Nezdu says " Yeah, I asked if he can be a teacher at UA but he declined." They were shocked but the heroes said that class is dismissed and they should go home. We went home and relaxed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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