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I don't own Doctor Who or any of its characters or plots. I only own my OC and my plot changes.

Italics are thoughts of characters.
"Italics" are when they're speaking telepathically.

Taking a deep breath the young women tries to settle her nerves.
"Jay! We're on in 5!"

Opening her pale blue eyes she glances down at her wrist that was wrapped in medical bandages. A brief look of pain crosses her face. She can only hope she can get through this performance. Performing is the only thing that she has left. The only thing she can do. She was not skilled in anything else. Tears start glistening in her eyes.

"Jay let's go!"

Taking one last deep breath, she quickly wipes her eyes, and stands up. Glancing in a nearby mirror she checks to make sure her makeup is still presentable. Mentally approving it, she then glances at her shoulder length wavy red hair. Satisfied that it's still perfectly snug in the pins she quickly makes her way to the stage entrance.


Around the bustling streets of London, two figures make their way down the walkway, seeing what can catch their eyes.

"Thanks again Doctor, really. I just didn't think I could leave my mum immediately after all that had happened."

The Doctor glances down at his blonde companion.

"You're welcome. But remember we're leaving in two days, you promised! I don't do domestic."

Rose shakes her head giving her tall companion a cheeky grin.
"Oh of course not! The universe would explode if The Doctor became domestic!"

The Doctor rolls his eyes but stays silent going back to the task of finding something to do.

The constant nagging of Jackie was getting on his nerves. Rose had wanted to stick around a few days to be there for her mother after what happened with Elton and the Absorbaloff. He understood, he really did, but there was only so much sitting around he could take. And to top it off Rose banned him from leaving without her. There was only so much he could do at the Tyler's flat and in the Tardis.
Rose noticed and proposed that her and The Doctor go to town to see what's out there, and to get The Doctor to stop trying to tinker with things.
The Doctor immediately took to the idea, wanting to get anywhere else but in the cramped flat with a chatty Jackie. He wasn't particularly interested in what there was in London but in his mind it was better then just sitting around.

After a while of walking down streets and passing by some pointless shops they come to a stop, waiting for when it was safe to cross the street.

"Doctor? What's that then?"

The Doctor turns to look where Rose was pointing and saw that in the nearby park a little ways down from where they were standing was a giant stage with hundreds of people gathered around it.

Raising his eyebrow he starts feeling that small bubble of curiosity and excitement that he was missing the entire few days they've been stuck there.
"I don't know. Why don't we go find out?"
Grabbing Rose's hand they change direction, heading down the sidewalk till they reached the park.

Seeing as how they couldn't get any closer with how many people there were they just settled for being in the back, which surprisingly they could still see the stage decently well. And now that they got closer they noticed the stage was more of a semi circle shape then a normal rectangle like they originally thought.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" A voice boomed on the speakers.
"Thank you all for your patience! Now it is time you've all been waiting for! Introducing, The Acts!"

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