Part 2

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As soon as he was inside the main doors Harry pressed his back against the cold stone walls. He was breathing hard like he had been running, he had been running. 

The image of Malfoy flooded back through his mind, a bright splash of red on skin so pale any hint of colour stood out in stark relief. The slight hint of gold-blond in Malfoy's hair, the flush of pink on his cheeks and ears- and his eyes... Harry tried to remember what they had looked like before, had they always been a soft delicate grey with hidden flecks of blue? Had they always been framed by long pale lashes? Had Malfoy always been-?

Harry clutched his hand over his chest, his heart still thundering in his chest so hard he felt dizzy.

"Hey, thought you were going flying?" Ron's voice broke through his whirling thoughts.

Harry blinked. He was in the Gryffindor common room, he didn't remember walking here. He shook his head vaguely, "No, I-" his voice faded off.

"Ended up doing somethin' a bit more interesting than flying I'd wager!" Seamus crowed, elbowing Dean in the side and leaning against him to whisper in his ear.

Dean's face split into a grin, "Secret rendezvous, Harry?"

"What?" Harry's brow furrowed.

Seamus laughed and pointed to his own cheek, "She left a big old smacker on you mate!"

Harry hand drifted up and hovered over his cheek as the memory flattened him- Malfoy leaning in, his eyelashes fluttering, a breath on Harry's cheek followed by the press of his lips which were soft and warm against his cheek. He sucked in a startled breath and hurried through the common room, not even hearing the teasing calls after him, and to the loo. He went straight to the mirror, his head turning automatically to show the red lip print in full relief.

It was smeared on the bottom where he must have touched it without realizing. Harry touched the lipstick with the tips of two fingers and pulled away, a faint rouge colouring his skin. He rubbed his thumb over the red until it was nothing more than a faint pink tint. A shiver started at the base of his neck and ended up trapped in his stomach.

Every crush Harry had ever had, had been a slow thing. It started just by noticing a person, admiring them for one thing and then, slowly noticing more and more things until he realized he fancied them. Once he realized that, then he might think about holding hands, kissing, each its own gradual step in his desire.

But Malfoy. Malfoy was sudden, shocking and all at once, like being hit by a tidal wave. Just as he had always been, really. Harry could hardly tear his mind away from Malfoy now.  And he really wanted to kiss Malfoy. He wanted him to leave his mark on Harry's lips, his cheeks, his neck...

The doorknob rattled and Harry's hand flew to his pocket, pulling his wand out and casting a hasty glamour to hide the kiss mark. He put his wand away, ducking his head to hide the flush of embarrassment on his cheeks, turning the tap on and sticking hands under the water for something to do. As soon as the two fourth years were past him he shook his hands off and left. His feet carried him back to the common room where he dropped into a chair next to Ron, who was beating Neville at chess even with the handicap of playing without a queen.

Ron moved his knight to soundly crush Neville's rook and then leaned back to let Neville agonize. "I thought you didn't fancy anyone?" Ron said a little too casually.

"No." Harry said, squeezing his hands together to stop himself from touching his cheek again, "...I was- It just happened."

"Some fangirl," Ron nodded, glancing back at the board as Neville's hand first hovered over his castle and then one of his pawns, "Could put anyone off their lunch the way they think they can just paw at you."

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