Chapter 1

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"I hope you like your nails." I said sarcastically.

"Yes, they are very beautiful!" Rachel and I laughed.

"I am sorry. Truly. As you know, I have a very shaky hand." It was true, I have always had problems with my hands. They were way too small and dainty.

     Rachel was my best friend as we had been since we were both 5 years old. At the moment, we were in camp Red Wood. We had been here for over 3 weeks now. Rachel and I had been coming here every summer for the past 6 years. It was a camp for anyone between the ages of 11-19.

     Rachel had just painted my nails crimson red. It reminded me of the colour of blood, I didn't like that idea though as I am such a squimish person and I hate even the thought of blood. However I don't know why but my favourite colour has always been crimson. It is a very bold colour and reminds me of the blazing sun slowly sinking down below the Earth on which we live on. Mind, we rarely get a blazing sun here in Scotland! - so definitely not blood.

"Come on, let's go and sit around the campfire! I am sure it will be lovelybat this time of night. Everything just seems so surreal today." Rachel called to me as she slowly stood up and started walking to the direction of the campfire. Something just didn't seem right, Rachel usually hates the night time as she was afraid of the dark. Why was she asking to go outside?

"OK." I said, I was bored anyway and to be honest, it would be a good idea to get some fresh air, Rachel and I both needed it! It was awfully stuffy here in the little cabin we were both staying in.

     It was nearing midnight as Rachel and I raced down to sit by the roaring campfire! There was quite a large group of people sat around the bonfire, probably in the hundreds, everyone all sitting in their own private friendship group dividing the large group into several small sections. Out of nowhere, suddenly, single bat flew over head.

     That was when the screaming started. Everyone who was sat by campfire at time, looked around and saw the figure of a small girl sprawled out flat on the floor. Her friend ran up to her and instantly her face turned chalk white. The girl had about a litre of crimson red blood pouring out of her neck and forming a horrifying puddle around her body.

     Within a split second, there were screams coming from left, right and centre. Everyone just disperse and ran in whatever direction they could. I tried frantically to look for Rachel but she was no where to be seen. There was too many sweaty bodies flinging themselves in every direction! I managed to push through about 25 people when i finally realised there was no point anymore and I just gave up. There was 3 times as many people here now, searching for a way out.

     Then a second body appeared as if out of nowhere. I suddenly felt this paralysis of fear, I couldn't move, I was frozen to the spot! I stared down at Rachel, blood was surrounding her whole body and was slowly oozing out of two tiny puncture marks in her neck. What kind of monstrous animal could have done this? I had never seen anything like it! I needed Rachel here more than ever. That was when I realised how much I had learned to rely on her, which probably went both ways. I did everything with Rachel, now, what was I supposed to do? I felt all alone and helpless, like I was wading in my own mysery.

    Two camp leaders quickly appeared with a stretcher and slowly lifted Rachel on to it. The crowds of people continued to scatter everywhere but somehow left a path through to where a recently arrived ambulance had immerged. The first of the camp leaders spoke to me "We do not mean to alarm you but you should leave immediately. There is something not quite right going on here. You are 18 and will be allowed to leave freely without the permission of a parent or guardian. Just leave, quickly. She will be fine and well looked after."

    "But...." I didn't get to finish my sentence before I was pushed by another wave of people. I was being forced towards the large gates which stood standing, watching over everyone as they scampered all over the place.

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