Chapter 2

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I had now been running for what felt like a few hours! I had nowhere in particular to go as the flat I was staying in had been rented out for the two months I would be away for to a sweet old couple.

I decided to break down slowly into a jog. I started to take in my surroundings. I was somewhere in a dark, damp, dingy forest and the atmosphere was very eerie and spooky. I was feeling very nervous as a single bead of sweat slowly slid down my face.

I snapped my head around in a split second to see an owl swoop down from the trees and snatch up a defenceless mouse from the ground.

Then I heard the sound of a long, agonised, cry coming from a wolf.

I started to sprint again, I needed to get out of this place, there was something mysterious about it, something evil and devilish! How was I ever going to find a way out of here!? By this time I was hopelessly lost.

I was now rushing to find an escape route. I felt as if I was bounding around aimlessly in circles. Two more wolves had now joined in with the Alfa male. The sound was deafening to hear. They sounded so close to where I stood and as if they were coming from every direction. I didn't know where to turn, as wherever I did, I was sure to be killed by the ferocious wolves.

Three more wolves joined in the horrendous noise. I needed to make my decision quick as they were slowly closing in, surrounding me.

I decided to make a run for it to the direction of a near by hill. It seemed to be clear there and the safest journey away from the wolves. There was a full moon glistening in the deathly black sky and several stars had begun to immerge.

As I continued to run, I did not care to take in any of my surroundings, which was a vital mistake of mine as I failed to spot the large bat, circling over head. I was desperate to get out of this frightening area. My legs felt like they were about to give way beneath me and I would have to crawl to the other side of the hill.

I had finally reached the other side of the hill, just in time. I felt safer here, even though I probably wasn't. There was a long, winding cliff passing all the way around the forest, and on the very edge of the cliff face, there was a huge, unmissable, ancient castle. It looked as if it had been there for hundreds of years but still looked very sturdy and well build. There were over 15 turrets on the outside of the castle and one gigantic tower which was a much greater night than the rest. The large building did not seem to have many windows but seemed to have a gargoyle in every place a window should have been.

I needed somewhere to shelter for the night, should I go down to the castle and see what it is like. If any inhabitants even live there still as it looked truly ancient. Something did not seem right about the castle's appearance for example, why were there barely any windows. The atmosphere as well was so damp and sullen, surely no castle that was of any high importance had this sort of atmosphere.

I quickly decided to go down to the castle and see if there was anyone around, if so, I would explain my current situation and how I need shelter for the night. If in the end it turned out there was no one there, then I would just make camp maybe in the courtyard outside the castle.

I quickly stumbled towards the castle, eager to get away from anywhere the wolves might once again appear.

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