A dream?

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A/N: Ah! I'm sorry for not uploading for so long. And I'm sorry for this chapter being so short! But hey, it's got Jooheon in it! Yay I'm actually following the plot for once! But I hope you enjoy!

After a joyful session of food, it was time to sleep. I sat on my blanket and reached into my bag and pulled out a book I had carried with me forever. It was a sort of diary I had kept writing down my thoughts a feelings like you would do in a normal diary.

I opened it to the bookmarked page and began reading it. It was about my birthday a few years back when my parents got me a new book to read that I finished within two days of having. I smiled as I read over the description I had written.

"What are you reading?" Came a voice from next to me, I looked and saw it was Jooheon.

"Oh uh...it's my diary..." I said quietly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

He chuckled lightly "cool!" He said.

"Is it?" I said still feeling as if he was just playing with me.

"Yeah, it's cool that you wrote down all your memories, you'll never forget it now" he said with a soft smile.

"I guess. Although I do get sad when I read it. You know...reading about all the happy times I had with my family...then to realise it will never happen again..."

"Hey," Jooheon said softly as he moved a bit closer to me "there's no need to cry" I didn't realise I was crying. I was going to wipe away my tears but Jooheon beat me too it. His soft thumbs moved across my cheeks and under my eyes stopping my tears from falling "there is no guarantee that it won't happen again, your family may still be alive. You've just got to have faith"

I nodded softly as I looked back down to my diary "I remember writing this next one" I said "it was the day after my birthday, me and my brother were down at the beach skimming stones that day. He was better then me, but he always made it so mine always seemed to go further than his. It's little things that I remember about them really, like this, or just one day when we were having dinner together..."

"Y/N?" Jooheon said "I'm...so sorry...that you've lost them. I can see that they meant the world to you"

"It's okay...I still have a memory of them right? Besides, if I don't have them anymore, I've got you guys. A new family. If you'll have me.."

"Of course we'll have you" he said softly with a smile to match his tone. The flicker from the candle reflected in his dark eyes making them shine. I saw his hand reach out and I swallowed nothing in particular as my heart rate increased. His hand went to my hair and brushed through it before shaking his hand. "You had some fluff in your hair" he said

"O-oh" I stuttered feeling my cheeks were red "th-thanks. Is it gone?" I asked

"Yeah, I brushed it out. Your hair is very soft" he chuckled.

"Thank you.." I said, this was not helping the situation with my face being red!

I heard a sudden bang that was distant from us. Jooheon sat up straight before he stood "what is it? Another bomb" I asked him.

He didn't answer, instead he walked out of the front door. "Jooheon!" Kihyun called as he pulled him back inside "Everyone hide! Quick!" Before the door was shut, I caught a glimpse of the sky turning orange for a moment.

The room was soon dark. The candles had been blow out and everything was silent. I felt someone next to me. They grabbed my hand. I felt their thumb run across me hand and recognised the feeling. It was Jooheon. I grabbed his hand back and leaned into him feeling scared of what was going on.  

"Don't worry" he whispered "just stay quiet and with me" I nodded and closed my eyes tightly. I saw the orange light despite my eyes being closed, meaning it was close. I gripped hold of Jooheon tighter and he did the same to me.

I had no idea what was happening. Did they find us? Or was it just my imagination. Was my mind playing tricks on me? For all I knew, I was just having a bad dream. But was it a nightmare if Jooheon was holding me the way he was?

Soon there was no light. No noise. No Jooheon. For some reason I was completely alone in a dark room. My eyes still sealed shut. I didn't want to open them and realise everything was just a dream.

Or maybe I was dreaming now. Maybe I had fallen asleep in Jooheon's arms and I was just in a dreamless sleep of just a black screen.

My eyes still refused to open leaving me to wonder what the hell was going on.

Was it a dream?

Or was this a dream?

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! And I hope you look forward to reading more of my story!


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