Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Cafe Trauma

Elora Kendrew's PV

In the gloom of the cafe our knees almost touch under the narrow table. I want to whisper to Todd, tell him the bad news gently.

He deserves that.

But all about us other diners talk ever louder, competing with one another to be heard above their collective din. I have a whole conversation planned, a way to let Todd know I am leaving..

He must know it's coming too, I see the hurt welling in his eyes behind that white, perfect smile. His usual steady gaze flickers from me to the table.

I remove my elbows and sit a little straighter. From the corner of my eye I catch a young woman staring at us, her lank mousey hair falling in ribbons about her colour-drained t-shirt. In her hand is a small writing pad and a biro, she's the waitress.

My hands reach to my tired eyes, trying to rub the exhausted-ness out of them. They then meet his and I quickly look down.

God this is too hard..

"Figured out what you want?" The waitress says, bouncing lightly on her feet.

Todd orders for us, after all these years he knows exactly what I want before even I do. Perhaps that's why I have to go..

We break into another awkward silence, and I freeze when he speaks.

You see, it was never supposed to go like this.

Me and Todd were the perfect couple. We had met in Nursery. He had been 'dating' this girl called Tiana, and it was going fine, but one day she accidentally threw a dice and it hit him in the eye. After the 'tragidy' he dumped her and started to befriend me.

So Romantic..

After that, we went on to spend years of our lives together.

My first disco..

With Todd.

My first dance..

With Todd.

My first sleepover.

With Todd.

My first kiss.

With Todd.

My first sex experience..

With Todd.

Todd, has been with me through everything, and I have never left his side. We've dated for about 6 years, and I love him, I do. I care for him, I always will.

But I need a break.

I need to actually start doing stuff on my own.

I want adventure..


Me and Todd just don't have that anymore..

"So, uh, what did you want to talk about?" He mumbles, running a hand through his hair. He drums his hands lightly on the table, looking uncomfortable.

I let out a sigh and bite my lip.

I feel so horrible.

A sudden feeling of confidence surges through me, but it clatters as soon as I see his expression.

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