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I slammed my bag down onto the table once I spotted Lucy. My cheeks were flushed red from practically sprinting away from what just happened.
"Spill. now." Lucy pestered me
I stared at her wide eyed before blabbering on about 100mph telling her what had just happened in the first few seconds of entering this school.
"I can't believe you did the to her" Lucy said in astonishment
"Me either, I don't know what came over me. But I'm pretty sure I just started ww3"

lucy giggled at me then her eyes went wide "wait didn't you say Tyler smirked at you?!"
The thought of this confused the hell out of me. I mean this is Tyler freaking Daniels we're talking about he probably smirks to anything that has boobs and an arse. In my mind Tyler Daniels is not someone you would want to be involved with, he's got trouble smudged across his forehead with a big red sharpie. Now don't get me wrong he's easy on the eyes not gonna lie but it'd be silly to drool over him like the rest of the student population. Right?

My thoughts were interrupted with the sound of first period bell.
"One more year to go and then I can leave this hell hole." I think to myself

As I settle into my seat and pull my books out my bag ~ waiting for the teacher to arrive, which is miss Jenkins (between me and you she's late because she has to feed all twelve of her cats , but don't tell anyone)~I feel the need to turn around as if someone is staring at me. As I turn round our eyes meet and I feel the colour of my face drain away. Sat behind me is none other than Mr.Tyler himself. Wearing his trademark smirk. I knit my eyebrows together trying to study him when Miss. Jenkins, who must have appeared out of thin air, interrupts me.

"Gemma I know it's the first day and all and you might be a little confused but the board is this way" she remarks with a slight glint in her eyes

No shit Sherlock.

Tyler releases a small muffled laugh as a roll my eyes and face the front of the class ~not to mention everyone is starting at me~ I put on my sweetest smile I can and face the front

"Sorry miss, won't happen again"
  "Thank you, now don't let it happen again" she replies with a slight smirk.
She knows what I was doing.
Me and miss Jenkins have banter so we are ok with things like this. Obviously I can't get away with not handing my homework in on time (which is bs). But shes know me since I was born so she knows all my in's and out's. if I didn't have Lucy and Simon she'd be legit my only friend here ngl.

This is gong to be a long first dayyyyyyy

A/n~Hope you liked this chapter !! Don't forget to vote
See you soon xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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