Bonnie And Kai's Return Part 2

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Matt Tyler and Scott also had made their own little privacy bubble cause Ty wanted Matt and Scott to have sex with him as his and Barry's heat is more about being with their lovers since Scott and Dean are pregnant and Ty and Barr need them more for sex as Scott and Dean also need Barry and Tyler's seed to help their kids grow and since one is having sex the other gets just as horny since their heat cycles are the same Matt Scott Dean and Alaric don't care they will do what whatever their man need cause they know it's important for all of them and they love them.

After an hour they awake so their bubbles disappear after they get dressed they go to get food after they eat they go back to the beach Alaric tells his sexy boys if they are going to go swim be careful and stay close cause he has a bad feeling so Barry Dean along with Scott Tyler and Matt stay close by as they are playing in the water and having a good time someone is watching them from a far he knows it's his son cause he synced the magic being used so he went to see and he knows he can follow them as along as he stays a good distance away also Peter called him and told him that his son was in Beacon Hills as Peter was his best friend in Central Kingdom but no one knows that he also knows that his son is somehow incubus but he can use that cause once he's out of heat he can have kids with him without a spell that only works once witch is how he got Wally West cause he kept Joe alive to see if the spell would work and it did now Joe is just one of his many sexy salves he got Peter pregnant that's why he's with Peter is for him to have his kids.

If he had Barry and Tyler he could have his army so he keeps an eye on them he also contemplates how to kill Alaric and the witch and warlock for helping Alaric keep his son from him he leaves as he knows that Peter will let him know when he's done with his heat he goes to find Nora and finish what he started all those years ago he finds her in the forest when he sees her she says I brought you here to tell you that Barry isn't your son he's the one to save our kingdom from you that maybe true but you won't be around to see if he does or not with that he kills her this gets Alaric's attention as he feels her death when he asks Bonnie to stay with the kids he asks Kai to take him to Nora it's very faint but there bond is still there so Kai takes him as he gets to her side he says my Queen who did this to you? Eobard comes out of nowhere and kills Kai as he says this is for getting in my way as he kills him he takes his powers then he snaps Alaric's neck back at the beach Barry starts screaming Bonnie feels the death of Kai she then teleports them back to the Hale house as she then makes sure Barry can't leave but he's crying cause he's seen the whole thing as Eobard made sure to open the link between the two of them as he keeps saying he's dead Dean try's using the link to find Alaric but there is nothing it's like he's nowhere to be found that's when he brakes as he's holding his bear and rubbing his back as he says it will be ok bear bear Bonnie is talking to Laura about what happened they agree that going there at the moment will be suicide but she maybe able to being there body's to her with the help of another witch cause teleporting them all took a lot out of her.

Barry wakes up screaming and crying this wakes up Alaric and Dean as they claim him down as Alaric says my prince everything is ok he hugs Alaric with a death grip as he says I had a bad dream aunt Bonnie and uncle Kai came back and told us that uncle Damon and Mary were dead and we all went to the beach and everything was good but then we went to lunch then after we went back to the beach.

The man chasing us found us and he killed my mom uncle Kai and you and it all felt so real like it actually happened Alaric kisses him passionately witch turns into a heated make out session then he climbs onto his lap as he makes sure Alaric has entered him then starts bobbing up and down on his cock as he's passionately kissing him Dean starts kissing Barr Barr as he hears Barry say I want you both inside of me Dean enters him also as he's kissing sucking and lightly biting his collar bone as Alaric and Dean find a rhythm together as they hit Barry's prostate he's in such a bliss that all he can do is moan as they both make him come over and over Barry smells Alaric's blood as he's hungry he bites his daddy and takes the sweet savory blood in as he does this it causes both him and Dean to come so deep inside his tight hole that it's leaking out as they knot inside him as they knot him he comes what feels like a river all over Alaric's chest and abs he then gets so tired but he closes Alaric's bite mark and then lays on top of Alaric as he kisses him passionately then says don't ever leave me daddy as Dean is kissing his neck they lay on their sides with their beautiful sleeping hybrid between them as they warp their arms and legs around him as he fall asleep.

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