The Real Start

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Rigor was now three months old. Things started to get better for him. He was more curious and Corax planned on taking him with him soon. Than he could observe what was awaiting him.

Corax knew it was time for him to start learning the Ways. His bright white fur wasn't all white anymore. His fur had started to grow some slighty grey hairs at some places. A few around his eyes and on his stomach. It somehow told the raven to get a move on. Starting to teach him what he was supposed to learn.

The pup was lying on his back wagging his tail and watching the world upside down. Rigor had already showed a great interest in what Corax did.

"Dad, where are you going now?"Corax flew to the tree he always landed in when he arrived or left so the pup could tell something was done or had to be done. Sometimes Corax left to get food or as a response to a call out.

"A call out." Corax answered and Rigor wagged his tail.

"Can I come with you please?" the young voice asked. Corax shook his head.

"Why do you want to?" the black bird asked this time. He thought Rigor was interested. He had told the pup basically what it was. After that he got more excited to go, but was never allowed.

"I want to see the dead!" Rigor replied with a strong and even mature intonation. Corax' guess turned out to be correct.

"Another time. You're not ready yet." Corax left.

Today Corax also flew to the tree that pointed out something happened. Rigor noticed it, stood up and ran towards the raven.

"Are you having a call out?" he asked excited. Corax nodded.

"Can I come with you please?" Every time he tried again. Today made no difference. But today was the day he could come.

"Yes you may come. Today you will finally learn the Ways." Rigor didn't know about the Ways yet, but he heard he could go with Corax to a call out so he wagged his tail as he did when he first opened his eyes and ears.

Corax took off and flew low just in front of Rigor to lead him the way. The pup ran happily after his dad.

"How do you know where to go?" he asked the bird.

"I can't really explain you that. Just wait untill it happens to you."

After a while they both arrived. It was an animal he had never seen before. He had seen deer and lots of birds. He had never seen a wolf, but knew about them and could rule them out.

"Dad, what kind of animal is this?" He cocked his head.

Corax took a few steps closer to the body.

Rigor MortisWhere stories live. Discover now