Chapter One

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(This is my first book on Wattpad! Please, no hate. I know I have a lot of grammar mistakes. If something doesn't make since, please comment and tell me nicely so that I can fix it😁)

The screams of my sister sent chills down my spine. She layed on the hospital bed, red faced from screaming and crying. Seeing her like this made me want to switch roles with her so that she didn’t have to go through this pain.

Mother is at her side rubbing her head and telling her that everything is alright and it’ll all be over soon. I stood in the back corner. Melissa wanted me to be there, but I felt as though I was intruding. I closed the long curtain and opened the door to go into the hallway. The fresh air entered my lungs and I felt my shoulders ease. Watching Melissa go through that hurt me. Us girls have to go through it though.

You see, in this world, girls and boys are divided. A gigantic, seventy-five foot wall stands between us. The opposite gender never crossed over onto the other side. No one knew what would happen and no one wanted to. Either out of fear or simply just the fact that they enjoyed being separated. It has been like this for years.

What my sister is going through right now is normal. This happens almost everyday. When a woman gives birth to a girl, the doctors will inject some sort of ‘medicine’ into the baby’s bloodstream. It’s called The Making. Basically this drug will cause a baby to start developing inside of you once your body hits the age of twenty. Though there is a possibility that a boy will develop. If this happens, you get only the privilege of naming him. You keep the baby boy for three days. On the first day, the mother and son stay in the hospital together. Then on the second, you go home. At the end of the third, we send him over the wall through The Lift. It’s sad, but they soon forget about their son and they move on.

My thoughts were interrupted when I see the door swing open and my mother in the doorway with tear stained cheeks. I don’t recall seeing her cry before I left.

Is Melissa dead? I couldn’t stop the thought coming to my head as I ran to the open door and shoved passed my mom.

Once I was inside, I hear baby noises. I pull the curtain pack and I see Mel holding a baby. I breathe a sigh of relief and a smile crept onto my face. I turn to face the doctors and I see them hunched over a table. When they turned around to leave the room, I noticed The Making needled in their hands.

“Did you already inject the baby?” I questioned them. The older of the three looked at me with sympathy and walked out. I walk towards Mel, but before I reached her, she screamed.

“Why did it have to be a boy?!”

I stepped back. Mother pushed past me and was at her side in an instant. I couldn’t stop the tears as they began to spill out of my eyes.

“Everyone said that my baby was going to be a girl. Everyone said that it was showing signs of a girl. But everyone lied to me!” Melissa screamed the last sentence. More tears fell. I felt so sorry for her, but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. The room grew quiet. I silently begged one of them to say something. I didn’t trust my own voice but the lack of talking made my ears ring.

After what felt like hours, Mom finally said something:

“Sweetheart. You have to name him.”

Mel just kept staring at the infant. She finally sniffed and wiped her nose with her free hand. Her voice was barely above a whisper, but we heard her nonetheless.


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