The Faeyrwynn Prophecy: Chapter Eleven

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Ignoring Cyr’s jest, Seth stared with wide eyes.

“Let’s go,” I said quietly, tugging the arm of his sleeve.  As we approached the entrance, four Protectors materialized.

“Those who seek asylum must head to the Northern Safe House!” they boomed in unison. Staring vacantly at us, their golden eyes fixed on Seth. I stepped between them as their hands shifted to their swords

“We request council with the Courts,” I announced, standing tall. I cringed inwardly as the Protectors bowed low, kneeling before me after recognizing my voice.

“After you, your highness,” Cyr whispered under his breath, as the Ground’s guards parted to let us through.

Annoyed, I flicked an ice shard at him.

“What the hell?” he complained, massaging the spot between his eyebrows. Seth stifled a laugh.

“Come on,” I said, a smile threatening to ruin the stern expression I was trying to maintain.  The main door opened and we followed a Summer servant inside.


“You are to begin your training in two days time,” The Summer King announced, hope glinting in his eyes.

We had entered a large chamber, where four thrones were situated. Meila had presented us to what she called the Royal Council, however after the introductions and a summary of our journey, she stood beside the Winter King.

“Pryncess Meila of the Winter Court and Pryncess Ashalyn of the Summer Court will train you in combat, as well as working with you to unlock your magic,” he continued.

My… magic?

I mean, I always assumed they possessed special abilities, but I never dared call it magic. Just hearing the word set off a series of conflicting emotions. Disbelief, for how could this be real at all? Anxiety, what if I couldn’t do it? And the most dominant of all… excitement.

After all it was what millions of humans yearned for, dreamed about and wrote thousands of stories on. And I might be able to use it.

Keeping my face respectfully composed, I nodded.

The Court dismissed us shortly after, and I was led to my room. Before leaving, the sprite that had brought me advised that I get some rest before the banquet.  My stomach rumbled at the prospect of food.

Alone, I sat on the bed in a daze. My mind raced to come to terms with all that had happened in the last few days, and I felt lightheaded. Laying on my back, I tried to focus on my surroundings.

My room was located in one of the higher boughs of the tree-side.

I was in the Fey Realm.

            The walls were supported by various interlocking branches, with vines creating a delicate filigree in between.

I was supposed to learn magic.

            From this room, I could see the forest I’d traveled in. From my bed I could see it glowing prominently.

I’m part of a Prophecy.

            Other doors on the opposite wall lead to a small bathroom and sitting area.

I am expected to fight.

            Unable to quiet my thoughts, I closed my eyes and let the stress overtake me. I must’ve fallen asleep, for a timid knocking on my door woke me up.

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