The Faeyrwynn Prophecy: Chapter Fifteen

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Author's Note: Sorry this is a little bit shorter than the rest! But I couldn't wait any longer, and I was sick of promising updates(: So here it is. It's a bit rough, might have to edit it some more for content. But I hope you like it! 


To be honest, I didn’t know what to say to Meila as we watched the sky slowly darken.  I wanted so badly to comfort her, and tell her… tell her what? What could I possibly say that would fix the kind of pain she carried?

Meila’s sobs had now quieted; gradually subsiding to small sniffles and whimpers. All I could do now was to was hold her. I studied the shifting patterns of her skin, wanting to break the silence somehow.

One thing was clear, though. My position here had brought too many people too much pain. I thought I was brought here to save everyone, but perhaps my ego had clouded the truth.

No matter how happy these fey were to have me, no matter how celebrated I became, I was the source of their problems. Or at the very least, their pain.

In my lap, Meila wept for the man who had died in an effort to save my mother. My existence had cost her the love of her life. Add in the soldiers who had fallen to the same fate, all to protect me. And for what?

My jaw tensed as I realized yet another truth: Meila was going to hate me. I swallowed nervously, a pang of guilt making me almost sick to my stomach.

I weighed my options. I could tell her about the other night, with the tiny sun. Or I could man up and just say it. Either way, I had to tell her both sooner or later.

Meila shifted in my arms, nestling her face into the crook of my elbow. Her breath tickled the hairs on my arm as she exhaled contentedly.

“I need to tell you something,” I said suddenly, shattering the glassy silence. 

 She pulled away from me, turning to face me. The moons leached the color from her face, leaving it alabaster as her eyes searched my face questioningly.

I couldn’t do it.

“Something happened the other night,” I began, cursing my cowardliness.  Avoid it as I may, I couldn’t run from it forever.

“Yes?” Meila asked softly, interest sparking in the intense blue of her eyes. Her thick eyelashes looked damp still, from previously shed tears…


“I… I couldn’t sleep, right? Well I started practicing magic, ya’know, to release some energy.  But I felt something…” I trailed off uncertainly. How could I explain this properly?

“It was unlike anything you guys have ever taught me, it did not feel like Winter or Summer this time, honestly I—“

“Explain,” Meila cut me off abruptly, sliding out of my lap. Gone was the vulnerable and damaged girl, for her face was composed and business-like once more.

I recounted the night for her, carefully cutting out the hours that I worried over her. When I had finished, she studied me pensively. In the distance, several night guards set off to patrol the perimeters.

Insects hummed their uniquely eerie melodies, and the thick forest that encased The Grounds glimmered brightly. This world no longer felt strange to me, its familiarity growing on me as the days ticked by. If ever I returned to the mortal realm, I was sure I would find it disturbing that the trees did not glow.

“Do you think you could try it again, maybe?” Meila asked tentatively. I nodded, closing my eyes.

Searching for the energy again, I probed my mind. My palms began to tingle, the spaces between my fingers crackling like electricity.

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